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Virgo New Moon, exact 11.25am Sept 3rd, AEST. To the extent New Moons are a fresh emotional perspective, in Virgo we want to be as clear as possible about it:

Virgo energy has endless patience, to cultivate whatever healthy feelings & intentions serve us. To make this Moon so beautifully productive & fulfilling.

But also a critical eye to any nonsense going on. With a short temper if we realise our own delusions are holding us back or other people full of crap, to clean up our act immediately & tell any idiots where to get off.

Because the big news here is Pluto retro, back into Capricorn Sept 3rd, just in time for this Moon.

After 15 years of shining a light into the darkness -revealing our own, toxic control freaky issues and corruption in the power structures around us. We should be savvy about this kind of thing by now? But just in case we still have any blind spots or unconscious impulses going on, the next few months is the last blast of Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetime. Last chance to become self aware, with a healthy internal locus of power that we can wield in the world in full integrity, being comfortable in our skin because we know who we are by now, light & shadow & all. And intelligent ways to deal with any power trippers out there, who still haven't got the memo that we're supposed to be grown ups by now.

And this Virgo New Moon is opposite Capricorn ruler, Saturn retrograde in Pisces. And even better, trine caring, healthy Ceres in Capricorn. We have professional dreams to manifest the hell out of, physical wellbeing to energise and relationships to work out the quality of commitment with. And we understand the subtle discipline and emotional discipline required, to beautifully cultivate the things that matter and keep it real.

And Virgo ruler Mercury, turning direct in Leo. We get to be intelligent about our creative inspiration and affectionate conversations with our loved ones, we can be so passionate & pragmatic about.

So could be such a game changing, fresh start to thrive as we move forward! Happy Virgo New Moon, folks x

And much more detail for your sign, about how this Moon plays out, with the September horoscope here.

Image: Lori Menna


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