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So it’s all about the powerful vibes of September 3rd, to begin your birthday month in style.

The Virgo New Moon of September 3rd, is your annual moment to recharge your emotional battery, and fresh charisma to show off about:

Square Jupiter in your 10th/brilliant career sector, for insanely confident professional growth.

Opposite Saturn in your 7th/relationship sector, for healthy boundaries and quality of commitment in your love life.

Quintile Destiny Point in your 8th/sexy intimacy sector, for cultivating long term passion, with loved ones who matter.

Trine Ceres in your 5th/confidence sector, to cultivate fulfilling creative discipline.


All of which is so amplified, with this Moon just in time for Pluto retrograde, into your 5th house from Sept 3rd. The 5th is about your natural talent, creative play and fun, where you embrace your most authentic lust for life. So just when you thought Pluto had finished, after 15 years firing up your life force here-Pluto back into your 5th is a cracker, activating all the action of this Moon:

Quintile Mars in your 10th house, for fierce work ethic about manifesting your vocational dreams.

Exactly sextile Neptune in your 7th house, to deal with any uncontrollable passions, with as much unconditional love as possible.

Square Chiron in your 8th house, for the courage to be vulnerable & compassionate, as the passions flare up with certain loved ones.

Joining Ceres in your 5th house, for the healthy self acceptance to embrace whatever you are most passionately on about.


Especially Mars charging into your social sector, from Sept 5th, opposite Ceres. The moxy to be ridiculously charismatic on the social scene, even as you express your most controversial point of view? And attract all the right people, just as authentic as you to network & be friends with. Exciting collaboration & stimulating debate works, because mutual respect.

So all this astro is wildly promising, to begin September with a totally empowered attitude, to keep evolving & thrive in all areas of life, as the month unfolds…


Perfect timing for your ruler Mercury into Virgo, from Sept 9th. Then passing over 3 degrees Virgo Sept 12th-where this trickster planet turned retrograde last month. To the degree you’ve had to look within, to figure out any ideas or dialogues that have been perplexing you lately? The sudden clarity, as Mercury cruises forward about getting your act together feels so good!

Especially Mercury trine Ceres in your 5th house, exact Sept 15th is a lovely moment. To trust your creative instincts and natural talent, to show up being your true self in the world. And have a good time being playful, doing whatever fun stuff fills your cup right now. Including quality time with your loving tribe…


Which brings me to the Full Moon of Sept 18th, in your love/partner sector. So emotionally revealing, about your relationship dynamics, being a partial Lunar Eclipse. Especially this Moon between Saturn & Neptune, opposite Sun conjunct Mercury in your sign. For your innate intelligence, about whatever love scenario you are dealing with…

Maybe to assess the quality of commitment going on, with an existing partner? Your instincts to set healthy boundaries/expectations are real. But most likely  the unconditional love you share trumps any doubts, to realise you’ve come this far and both fully devoted, at this point?

Or maybe some wildly complicated crush/love affair -is it batshit crazy or weirdly promising?? The astro says it could go either way, but I bet your gut instincts are onto it…time to trust your own feelings much?

Image: Carla Bruni photographed by Steven Meisel, for Prada.

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