So retrograde season, with Saturn &Jupiter stalled in your home turf, the 6th house of work ethic, productivity, health & wellbeing has been particularly frustrating for you; as a busy sign who likes to get on with it & get things done…
So you’re going to love the forward momentum this month:
Pluto direct in your talent/creative/play sector is just in time for the New Moon of the 6th in your income sector-which is so energised bang on ambitious, confident Mars. This is brilliant for brazen self-promotion that could potentially be quite lucrative, with the self-belief & genuine skills to back yourself up.
But also Mercury retro on this Moon, opposite the healer Chiron in your finance/biz sector means you want to keep it real-no barging forward with hare brained schemes just yet, huh?
Cue Saturn direct from the 11th to re-boot your innate, natural capacity to drill down on personal discipline. You get your act together with a clean daily routine; for healthy habits to keep your body strong and finesse professional schemes that work, on the day job or whatever gig you’ve got going on. You’re suddenly an effective success machine again, and it feels so good being onto it.
Of course this can exacerbate your tendency to control freak the details, which ok is super effective right now; but also you want to watch the stress levels freaking out about the inevitable stuff you can’t control, especially in these crazy times -know what I mean?
Then Jupiter direct from the 18th is trine Mars in your income sector, just as Mercury also turns direct in your income sector. This is massively fabulous, expansive, dynamic & super auspicious new momentum to get on with doing what you need to do. You get that a positive sense of what you’re capable of is gold, to chase your most meaningful goals just because you can!
Meanwhile Venus in your home sector from the 6th, just as Pluto turns direct in your romance sector is sweet for the Virgo love life. Quality time with your tribe, to ditch any weird family/domestic dynamics & just have fun together. And definitely hot dates on home turf are sexy as fuq, especially if you have a shacked up lover you want to re-connect with? Or if on the dating scene, flirtations going on right now are hot & bothered-and with Mercury retro could be complicated, but also could be fun?
Then the Full Moon of the 21st in your sex/intimacy sector, opposite sexy Mars is even hotter passion with deeper, meaningful emotional vulnerability. Especially with Mercury opposite healer Chiron involved- a lovely time to speak up and share true feelings huh?
Image: unable to find original credit for this gorgeous picture.