So the New Moon of Nov 1st joins your ruler Mercury in your clever 3rd house. Your mind is abuzz with such fascinating ideas, you are busy making sense of-and crave the intellectual stimulation of talking about it, with anyone who will listen!
Especially Mercury trine Mars, in your 11th/social sector. With Mars hanging around your 11th for an inordinate long time, from Sept till April, you are so energised by hanging out with your tribe:
The simple pleasure of hanging out conversing with friends, workshopping cool ideas or just gossiping, whatever-do admit you love a chat?
And increasingly, a meaningful sense of getting involved in collective conversations. Being active in your community or excited by the broader cultural zeitgeist, going on around you. You are fascinated by the conversations going on, in these weird & wonderful times of social evolution. And busting to get involved-as you have your own intelligent point of view to contribute, and want to the buzz of debating every single bloody detail with equally switched on people. Cool, we do appreciate your discerning intellectual rigour, to keep us honest.
Also Mercury quintile positive Jupiter in your brilliant career sector, for this Moon. So networking and showing off your genius in the world could be professionally advantageous. Career success with great communication skills & a social conscience, is your superpower as Nov begins.
Then it becomes more personal. Mercury into your 4th/home sector trines Mars into your spooky 12th house from Nov 5th:
Mercury brings all the great communication skills you’ve been finessing, joining Venus in your 4th house. Suddenly you are so articulate, finessing conversations about family dynamics, shacked up love and domestic harmony. Loving communion with your loved ones feels much easier here, so worth making the effort to talk about it, huh?
Especially Saturn direct, in your love/partner sector from Nov 19th. Sorting out the quality of commitment, in your key relationships has been a theme for a while now, huh? So wherever you at by now-solid devotion, trying not to cramp each other’s style or single & figuring out what you even want, from your next love affair? Mid Nov is nice, realistic new perspective about sorting out the rules of engagement, moving forward…
And just so you know, Mercury retrograde from Nov 26th could revisit certain dialogues at home-you thought you had sorted out, dammit. But don’t get frustrated-you’re not so much stuck in the same old issues, as appreciating that it takes time to work it out with one another. So worth it, to be patient about this process, know what I mean?
Then the Full Moon of Nov 16th, conjunct radical Uranus in your expansive 9th house. Trine Pluto in the last degree of your 5th house, of creative talent & fun. This triggers any restless desire to get out of your comfort zone, play with new adventures and express your visionary genius in the world. And of course you are the sign most switched on, to the kind of discipline required to get make your dreams a reality?
Cue the big news this month-we need to talk about Pluto finally getting serious in your natural habitat, the practical 6th house from Nov 20th:
With Pluto lurking around the cusp of your 6th recently, after 15 years of revealing your genius talent in the 5th-you’re busting to manifest a day job/professional gig worthy of what you’re capable of, by now?
I mean to the extent the 6th is about daily discipline, to do with a clean health regime & effective work ethic, some signs find the reality check here a bit daunting-but you love it. You’ve actually been looking forward to cleaning up your act!
This is where you come to terms with your natural affinity for healthy wellbeing, even if it means sorting out any grotty habits and getting real about empowering lifestyle choices, to rise up singing with next level physical vitality. And your affinity with drilling down on every little detail of your career plan, for a lean, mean effective work ethic. As a clever realist, you totally get that it starts with the basics and enjoy the simple pleasure of creating the life you want to live, one step at a time.
Transform every little choice you make every day and you transform your life-manifesting magic 101 and you’re so onto it! With Pluto now committed to sorting out your 6th house, for the next 20 years-plenty of time to keep evolving, towards your optimum potential. Nice one x
Image: unable to find original credit, for this gorgeous picture.