Oh my goodness we have to talk about Venus into your 5th house of glorious personal confidence, for an extended visit from Nov 6th till early March. 4 whole months of having fun with life, doing stuff you really enjoy just because you can…
I mean Venus, the goddess of pleasure, art & romance just adores being in the 5th house; where you are most in touch with your natural talent, finessing your creative skills & showing them off in the world, playful exuberance, quality time with loved ones and romantic thrills. Yay, despite the crazy world out there, looks like you have permission to shine your light in the world & good times ahead!
And love wise, it’s worth noting that Venus is in flirty aspect to Mars in your communication sector all month, which is lovely for harmonious & sexy repartee with your partner/lover/crush. I mean this isn’t so much heavy Us Talks/Where Do We Stand issues; more the intelligent, nuanced, stimulating dialogue you do so well with your special someone to feel connected. Or if single being an outrageous flirt, just for kicks & your seductive wiles are so on point-lol.
Because meanwhile Mars in your communication/ideas sector from Nov 1st has you so mentally switched on right now. Especially joined by your clever ruler Mercury, for the New Moon of Nov 5th in your communication sector opposite crazy, wonderful Uranus genius in your sector of high ideals & visionary, big picture perspective. Oh my goodness the sudden, sparky insights incoming, and cool conversations with fascinating people are such an intellectual buzz here, to turn you on. And to confirm the courage of your deeply held convictions, with the confidence to express yourself clearly.
I mean do admit you love a chat-you are nothing if not loquacious; not because you necessarily have a point to make with a particular agenda -just you think things through in such detail & get off on the company of equally intelligent peeps who can also hold their own.
And this month, especially the Full Moon of the 19th with Mars opposite Urnanus, is prime time for the conversations that matter-in your personal or social/professional life. Which is brilliant, if you can keep the vibe open minded, curious & positive; rather then the tetchy, argumentative, opinionated bickering with certain fuqwits or even second-guessing your own intuition, that is also tempting with this astro -know what I mean?
Image: unable to find original credit for this picture.