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So the month begins with Venus in a spectacular conjunction with Neptune & Destiny Point in your 7th, love/partner sector, exact Feb 2nd. With Saturn & Moon also involved. To begin the month with a clear, intelligent eye to your most relevant relationship dynamics, as they play out this month.

I point this out as the month ends as it begins-with the New Moon of Feb 28th, also in your 7th house. Which is really quite spectacular, in a stellium with Ceres, Saturn, Destiny Point, Neptune and your ruler Mercury. A quite profound opportunity, for your discerning emotional intelligence to embrace caring, unconditional love as well as certain specific conversations about the rules of engagement you deem necessary, Virgo style. So based on getting your head around sweet, meaningful connection early Feb, you will be ready to navigate this Moon-ready to feel all the feelings!


Especially because meanwhile, Venus joins Chiron in your 8th house from Feb 5th. The 8th takes the relational skills of your 7th house next level-with the people you are most deeply, inextricably entangled with emotionally, sexually & financially. And with the wounded healer Chiron here since 2019, you’ve been acutely aware of any vulnerability around getting your needs met? Which is why Venus turning up this month is perfect timing, with so much action in your 7th/love sector. Suddenly you trust the thrill of sweet romance-if you happen to have a passionate love affair going on? Also choosing sweet diplomacy, instead of reactive tantrums with everyone else you’re dealing with.


Also the focus is upon your public life, picking up momentum this month as follows:


Jupiter direct in your brilliant career sector from Feb 7th. Because what with turning retrograde here since October, Jupiter may have been teasing you-with the confidence to chase your most brazen professional aspirations, yet tediously slow momentum cramping your style? No doubt as the ultimate perfectionist, plenty of bitching & moaning if certain plans have temporarily fuqed up. Of course as a classy, crafty Virgo you’ve had the patience to work your biz magic slowly but surely anyway, right?

The better to be beautifully prepared, aligned with your most meaningful career goals-as Jupiter turns direct this month. Suddenly a rush of fresh inspiration, to get a move on about any expansive career growth you’ve been busting to embrace!


Then Mars direct in your social sector, from Feb 25th.

Because what with turning retrograde here since December, Mars may have teasing & thwarting your desire to be a mover & shaker on the scene. One minute charging around all charismatic and the next minute, your delicate nerves doing your head in, if any tricky scenarios cramping your style? Which kind of continues until late Feb:


Maybe a bit of social anxiety, feeling awkward or shy about expressing yourself in the world? Or ideally, you’ve been relishing the chance to lowkey do your own thing, taking a break from the public scrutiny of having to be showpony all the time?

Maybe you’ve been questioning the kind of people you want to hang around with? I mean I tell you what, if any tensions or competitive vibes on the scene-so much wiser to detach, internalise your self assurance and let everyone else strut & fret whatever ego trips. Also the better to appreciate the crew who actually have your back, with your famous discernment to only spend quality time with proper friends, you can chill out and be yourself with-sans the networking hustle. Know what I mean?


Especially with the Full Moon of Feb 13th, in your 12th/soul sector. Primarily this is where you fill your emotional cup from within. Quite content with your spiritual practice & communing with your creative muse. With the benefit of this Moon opposite Sun, Ceres & your ruler Mercury conjunct in your natural habitat-the practical 6th house. Especially with Pluto now parked in your 6th-to appreciate how empowering is your natural tendency to healthy daily habits, to get your wellbeing & work act together. You love this vibe so much, and all you have to do is be true to your inner values to naturally cultivate manifesting magic with simple devotion to holistic self care.

Way more satisfying than charging around, seeking ego gratification from others…


That comes with Mars direct from Feb 25th till April, lol.

Suddenly all the work you’ve been doing behind the scenes pays off, with renewed self assurance in the world. Yes you get to swan around showing the hell off if you wish-because you can back your brilliance up with proper integrity. Totally something to look forward to!

Image: Uma Thurman



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