So the New Moon of Oct 3rd is in your practical 6th house. And it’s a cracker, being a Solar Eclipse and all! It’s worth noting as you begin the month, that you are a supremely pragmatic creature, fully aligned with manifesting magic to thrive in the real world:
The 6th is all about healthy daily habits and a fully effective work ethic. And this one is conjunct your South Node of innate instincts, clever Mercury and Bitch Lilith.
Your natural affinity with embodied wellbeing, is so on point. For intelligent choices about looking after your physical health. Also you get that your emotional & spiritual alignment will inevitably manifest physically-so it’s all about a holistic approach, know what I mean? The more you honour your own, unique version of self care, you feel beautifully comfortable in your own skin.
And on the day job? Maybe as simple as getting the admin & details right, which could be game changing to finesse your current career plan. Maybe the courage to express your most controversial attitude-which could ruffle feathers but also effective, to get excited about professional success.
Cue Mars in your 3rd/ideas & communication sector, digging his heels in for an extended stay until April:
I mean to the extent that, do admit you can be an opinionated bitch, you’ve no lack of confidence when it comes to being right about everything! And of course your determination to stick with the courage of your convictions is to be admired. In these times of rudderless virtue signalling, your staunch belief in your own, genuine truth helps to keep the rest of us honest as well. Which Mars fully supports right now, bravo!
But also Mars could exacerbate your stubborn point of view -becoming even more obstinate & bitchy about it, when new info contradicts your dearly held principles? Which would be a shame, wasting the opportunity of Uranus in your sign.
Uranus has been unlocking your brilliant curiosity for quite a while now, at the forefront of the collective zeitgeist we are going through, to find radically liberating new ways to evolve together. You are kind of a icon of innovate growth, to inspire the rest of us!
So ideally Mars keeps you honest and brave, to keep interrogating your presumptions, asking all the right questions to keep learning more and get involved in exciting, intellectually stimulating conversations with all the equally interesting people…
And Mars trine Venus in your love sector, exact Oct 8th. Where your brilliant communication skills are personal. Even if being provocative with one another, the emotional intelligence to keep it real, honest and loving in all your close relationships.
And of course Mars/Venus trine works a treat, to harmonise sweet romance and committed partnership. Your natural charm and deliciously affectionate manner, really shines through here. You approach your lover with such honest intimacy, to ignite the passion you share. Or if single/on the prowl? I tell you what, your flirty wiles are so much more likely to attract someone equally gorgeous-perhaps with promising relationship potential?
Then Pluto direct, from Oct 12th in your expansive 9th house. After 15 years of unleashing your transformative personal growth and desire for an adventurous life, to do with travel wanderlust and visionary ideals to explore, intellectually. From now till late Nov, you get to appreciate that in terms of a liberating new way of life-you’ve come a long way, baby!
Then Pluto after lurking on the cusp of your 10th/brilliant career sector for the last several months-teasing the transformative professional growth coming up. Especially if you’re getting a bit antsy, about when the fuq does momentum pick up?? From late Nov, Pluto finally gets serious in your 10th house for the next 20 years! Something to look forward to, for sure.
Meanwhile the Full Moon of Oct 17th, in your spooky 12th house. Conjunct healer Chiron, in a grand square with Mars, Sun and Pluto. You get that connection with your inner wellbeing is key-whether spiritual connection with divine guidance, shamanic self awareness, creative muse, whatever magic you are brewing behind the scenes. For a deep sense of meaningful purpose, driving your momentum in the world right now.
Image: Patricija Dacic