The Taurus New Moon of the 12th is your annual fresh perspective; and in sync with Pluto in your adventure sector you’re so ready for gutsy personal transformation if necessary, to chase your most scarily exciting dreams.
I mean especially with radical Uranus in your sign for the next several years, you are primed to evolve at warp speed -the better to seize the best opportunities of living in this tumultuous era of change. So mid-May could be a fab clue about the next step, of exploring your full personal potential in that crazy world out there.
Extra-specially with the lucky Jupiter into your social sector from May 15th -for a year ahead of positive networking, loving up your tribe with quality time together & generally being a charismatic mover & shaker in the world, to inspire the rest of us. This looks like fun!
Then Venus in your income sector, on the Destiny Point by the 18th could be a light bulb moment -with clever Mercury to figure out financial tactics to monetise your dreams & schemes long term.
Then the Full Moon of the 26th in your money sector works any biz negotiations with those superb financial instincts of yours. Also any sexy chemistry with someone special could totally flare up here, to explore a deeper connection-if you can handle the passionate feelings involved hmmm?
Image: Dakrolak