March begins with Mercury conjunct Saturn, in your 10th house of brilliant career. Precise career strategies suddenly feel so clear, with your pragmatic genius to know what to do about it.
Especially Mars charging forward in your home turf, the 2nd house of financial security. And Ceres in your work/wellbeing sector. Your natural affinity with being beautifully productive on the day job is on point. With a satisfying sense of accomplishment; and work/life balance to enjoy a sweet, healthy lifestyle as well.
So the Full Moon of March 7th, in your 5th house of creative talent, confident self expression and good times with your crew/doing stuff you enjoy is perfect timing. One of your most lovely qualities is taking time to smell the roses, being in the moment & understanding that simple pleasures/quality of life really matters. Taking the time to have some fun, in work & play feels so life affirming.
And this Moon squares Uranus in Taurus! I mean I’ve been speaking for ages about Uranus in your sign; dragging your old reputation as comfortable/pleasure seeking lush, into your new role as incandescent, inspired genius-turning us all onto wild & wonderful, effectively innovative new ways to live like we mean it. You are suddenly the most magical manifesting mothfuqer, in any situation; to create the life you want to live AND ignite the same lust for life in everyone else. Nice one!
Cue Saturn in your social sector from March 7th, ready to spend the next 2.5 years sorting out your tribe. The more you are crystal clear about your own values (even the provocative ones), the more find your niche in the world:
Where like-minded crew adore your pizzaz, as you initiate a more positive paradigm moving forward. To feel connected with whatever community/collective zeitgeist is concerned with implementing visionary ideas, in a practical way. You love this!
And even the peeps who don’t know what the hell you’re on about, can’t help being fascinated by your strange charisma; and must admit even your weirdest ideas make sense, from an innovative point of view?
Which kind of sets the tone for the big astro coming up, we need to talk about: Pluto in your 10th house, from March 23rd till June this year. Then back into your 10th house from Feb 2024-for the next 20 years!
-The 10th house is all about vocational ambition, fame/status type success and a meaningful, fulfilling sense of purpose in the world.
-Pluto is all about transformative growth, raw desire/lust for life, and when it comes to biz-getting a handle on power dynamics and potentially VERY lucrative money scenarios.
So wow, this is such potent astro. To re-imagine what really matters to you professionally, then get on with making it happen, with that famous manifesting magic of yours.
Meanwhile Pluto moves into your 10th bang on the New Moon of March 22nd, conjunct Mercury in your 12th house/soul sector. The 12th is all about slaying unconscious/self sabotage nonsense, the better to consciously connect with divine inspiration. Pretty good attitude, for all this Pluto power, right?
And Venus conjunct the Destiny Point, in Taurus for this Moon. Fabulous to lush up your famous creative talent, to shine like a star.
And Love? Venus has you radiating with gorgeous, desirable charm & good looks. You are irresistible to your partner/lover/crush, to feel totally adored by them. Or if single destiny works her magic, for the synchronicity to attract someone promising(who you may already know??), to work your seductive wiles upon?