So your ruler Venus, into your 11th house/social sector from Jan 3rd, kind of sets the tone for the month. Venus brings your social butterfly charm, relational skills, talent and good looks to how you swan about with your tribe.
Then Destiny Point into your 11th from Jan 13th immediately conjunct Neptune, joining Venus/Saturn conjunct-exact by Jan 20th. This is such a powerful stellium, to get a grip on how you show up in the world:
So the North Node/Destiny Point is all about your highest, meaningful sense of purpose, in order to keep evolving in life. And after being in your 12th house for the last 18 months, has been all about looking within, to find connection with divine inspiration, spiritual guidance & your creative muse. Which no doubt has been beautifully fulfilling. So now, you get to bring all this clarity into your public life-how you connect with friends, tribe, wider social network and the cultural zeitgeist around you.
Especially conjunct Neptune, for a real sense of shared spiritual & creative meaning, on a collective level.
Saturn brings more fixed sense of any bourgeois, societal expectations going on in your scene, and integrity to do with the rules of engagement. On the one hand this could bring any bitchy judgement, from others or even your own tendency to be somewhat self righteous? Of course Venus conjunct Saturn ameliorates this beautifully.
This really shows off your famous, easy charm, that comes from being so deliciously comfortable in your own skin you radiate a kind of steady affability, that everyone else loves to bask in. People feel at ease around you, not least because you are such a lush lotus eater, there’s always nice food, company & various other pleasures when we hang out with you-Venus in your 11th totally keeps your social desirability sweet, in this regard.
Also your famous, steady nature where everyone knows you are supremely reliable. A Taurean friend or comrade can be relied upon to show up, with solid loyalty and will always keep a promise. It’s not even a sentimental thing, you just mean what you say and don’t have a fickle bone in your body. So Venus/Saturn really help your natural integrity to radiate in your tribe, who are more likely to fully appreciate you for it. And it’s not just about boring old predictability…
Because what with Uranus spending several years in Taurus, you are pretty exciting to be around right now! You’ve become quite the radical iconoclast, aligning with your supremely relevant role, as an inspiring mover and shaker within the cultural zeitgeist around you.
Which lends extra relevance to Mars, zipping in and out of your 3rd house between last October and April. The 3rd is about your ideas and how you communicate what you think, which Uranus has been totally electrifying with wild & wonderful new notions; that get you involved with all the cool conversations going on amongst the demi-monde.
So Mars spending ages here is great for the courage of your convictions, and to be impeccable with your word as you communicate about it. Aware that your beliefs are evolving at a thousand miles an hour, so you may occasionally have to pause momentarily, to realise just how far you’ve come.
For example Mars retrograde into your 3rd house, from January 7th till Feb 24th. A chance to wrangle any wonky ideas, get your facts straight about something you’re on about, finesse the intellectual process. It could actually be great to dark horse re-think a certain attitude, for a liberating new perspective to emerge. Or back off any temporarily awkward conversations going on -much better to agree to disagree/let certain mysteries remain enigmatic than force the issue just for the sake of being right or whatever, which is likely to feel boringly futile.
Especially with the Full Moon of January 14th, in your 3rd house conjunct Mars retro & sextile Uranus in your sign. Also trine Neptune & Destiny Point in your social sector. This Moon kind of integrates everything we’ve just been talking about:
You are charming, brilliant communicator, quite the influential raconteur on the scene-as long as you don’t get all judgy or self righteous about it. You are exciting to be around, even when you don’t know what the fuq you’re talking about people love you anyway, being so gorgeous and all. Never stop learning and questioning everything-you’ve got a brand new future to co-create with the rest of us!
Including the New Moon of Jan 29th, in your brilliant career sector conjunct Pluto & Mercury. This could be a spectacular clue, about your professional power a sense of purpose in the world this year. Certain significant biz decisions could present themselves here-choose wisely.
Image: unable to find original credit, for this fabulous picture.