So it’s kind of like charging down the highway, to a weird & wonderful new location, with the brakes on this month. Super exciting but frustratingly slow -thank goodness you are the most genuinely patient, persevering sign of all:
The background astro is radical, inspiring Uranus retrograde in Taurus conjunct the Destiny Point. You are charged up with crystal clear clarity about the way forward, ready to evolve to your full, magnificent potential expressing your truth. Which increasingly feels like being a provocative, innovative change agent in the world, right? But Uranus retro also reveals where patience is required, as certain genius schemes will take time to evolve.
Because Mars retrograde in your home turf, the 2nd house of personal security for the next few months is teaching you the meaning of patience. But of course you have a beautiful appreciation of ‘you can’t always get what you want, but you get what you need’ vibe, to realistically optimise any situation; no matter how slow moving for the moment.
And, with that solid, persevering attitude to manifesting how to fulfill your very real appetites; you will totally get what you really want with time, right?
So you are all over the Full Moon of Dec 8th, exactly conjunct Mars retro in your 2nd house. Trine taskmaster Saturn in your biz sector, drilling down on the discipline to build whatever professional empire is calling your name right now.
So more than ever, you get that taking the time to cultivate a career that really fulfills your innate sense of purpose in the world/sustainable income/realistic material stability is so your thing. I mean you don’t tend to be in a rush at the best of times; you prefer to do things properly with real quality control about your brand in the world, and the integrity of doing whatever you are good at REALLY well. Yay, no need to get frustrated with minor delays etc to your vocational plan - the astro of Dec suits you nicely, know what I mean?
Also, this Full Moon has the Sun & Venus in your sex/intimacy sector, with Venus square caring Ceres in your play/romance sector, to ask the question: Am I paying enough attention to my loving partner/unfolding love affair/flirty wiles in the world? As much you are beautifully focused on your own goals, as they steadily progress -don’t forget there could also be some beautiful love story or perfectly timed attraction, ready to reveal it’s full potential here?
Then lucky Jupiter into your soul sector, and healthy Ceres into your work/lifestyle sector align Dec 21st, in perfect opposition:
Awesome for a light bulb moment, with Jupiter awakening your most positive inner sense of what matters to you, on a meaningful, spiritual level. The more you really understand your own priorities, about being true to yourself; the more you walk your talk in daily life accordingly.
This unleashes that magical manifesting thing you do so spectacularly well -making good coin, to fund whatever delicious lifestyle turns you on, because you have the consistent work ethic to make it happen.
No one else knows how the fuq you do it, but it’s such a natural way to roll for you, know what I mean?
Then the New Moon of Dec 23rd is in your expansive vision/adventure sector, with a clever, creatively productive Venus/Mercury/Pluto stellium. Great to think big, about your most exciting life plans by late December-and keep the faith you are on the right track to make them happen. Well done you.
Image: Eden Tylergreeen