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So it’s nice to have your ruler Venus involved, for the New Moon of August 4th in your home sector. It’s all about cultivating domestic harmony:

Maybe sweet dynamics, with your family & tribe. Venus brings your natural charm, to getting along with the loved ones you can create domestic bliss with? Maybe creative genius, to beautify your home space -inspired feng shui/interior design ideas could totally turn you on. Or even property/real estate decisions, about where you want to live? It’s nice to begin the month, thinking about your ideal domestic sanctuary…


Then ok, when Mercury sneaks retrograde into your home sector, from August 16th, you may have to review certain decisions you made during this Moon. Maybe familial conversations still playing out or admin details to do with real estate stuff, you still need to finesse. So you may want to keep an open mind about that, huh?


Meanwhile, it’s all about your 5th house of talent, creative confidence and play:

Venus into your 5th house from August 5th, joins Mercury turning retrograde. So just as you are most exuberant and inspired to express your genius in the world, with shameless self promotion because you are so damn good at what you do. And having a good time doing stuff you love, because fun matters? Drat- you also realise any potential gaffes, being momentarily awkward about expressing yourself, or tedious details cramping your creative style, you need to finesse? Frustrating much?


Ideally Mercury retro/Venus direct crossing paths, exactly conjunct Aug 8th is helpful. To bring your famous capacity to thrive, under any circumstances. I mean some call it magical manifestation, and don’t know the fuq you do it -constantly creating lush success in your life?

Only you know how much determination goes on, behind the scenes. Your stoic attitude with any setbacks, persevering even under pressure requires effort! Especially resisting any temptation to blow the fuq up, when circumstances don’t immediately bend to your considerable, control freaky will. So when you choose to embrace the creative process, with the exquisite, zen patience to get it right? And do it all with grace & charm, to inspire the rest of us with how damn suave you are about it? Thus do you embrace a well deserved sense of accomplishment here.


Especially Venus/Mercury conjunct, quintile Pluto in your brilliant career sector. The way you are wrangling your talent into realistic effectiveness, could be just in time for game changing, professional opportunities calling your name. You are so ready for any success this month, and know you’ve fully earned it. Well done you.

Perfect for Mars conjunct Jupiter, in your 2nd house of personal prosperity, exact by August 14th. The sheer, radical confidence you suddenly feel about monetising your genius is real! I mean it’s one thing to realise your potential to make good coin-do admit, solid wealth is your natural thing. Even better if lucky enough to do it on your own terms-financial independence is the real security, even more than some job or debt scenario that keeps you locked into wage slavery, know what I mean?


Especially the Full Moon of Aug 20th, in your brilliant career sector, square radical Uranus in Taurus. You are all about a liberating attitude, just because it’s your new normal. So you’ll figure out a way to fund your personal freedom, one way or the other huh?

Also this Moon opposite Sun conjunct Mercury, in your home sector. All that focus on intelligent communication with your tribe & creating a healthy home base, from early August really pays off. For the most supportive foundation-from which to go forth and thrive in the world. Keeping the work/life balance sweet, is kind of your superpower here.

Image: fauxtale by Toree Arntz


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