So the New Moon of April 1st, in your soul sector begins your month with such an inspired, spiritually & creatively switched on point of view. With Mercury and the healer Chiron involved, you connect with intelligent affirmations within yourself-to transform any wounded old patterns into magically manifesting better things.
Especially syncing Uranus in your sign, you are so onto radical, fab new solutions to live a liberated, life affirming way of expressing yourself in the world.
Especially with the rare, divine Jupiter/Neptune conjunction this month in your social sector. And your ruler Venus then Mars, turning up by mid April. You are tuned into the collective, cultural zeitgeist big time, and the friends who form your social tribe.
So to the extent it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the white noise of a crazy world out there, and frankly drained by social expectations-including temptation to do intoxicated party season? It’s important to keep it totally positive! Focus on the people, community involvement & networking scenarios that actually inspire you, in alignment with your own values and truth radar-know what I mean?
Meanwhile the Venus/Mars relationship magic, of the last 2 months is finishing conjunct Saturn, in your career sector early April. This requires precision, in terms of cultivating the biz relationships that turn you on professionally/creatively/financially-in the most pragmatic way possible.
Especially Mars/Saturn around the 5th, could flush out any power trips or nitty-gritty negotiations you need to clarify, to get the rules of engagement right. Because any biz partnerships/collaborations going on now will require real commitment, and no doubt a sustained, disciplined work ethic- that could so pay off long term.
So you want to make sure you’re crystal clear, about working with people & organisations that you really believe in, and willing to stick with the programme huh?
Also if you happen to be single, possibly a professional flirtation could be super interesting early April. Even an attraction on the job, that has been brewing for a while could be ready to explore, one way or the other? I mean it’s not so much torrid affair behind the scenes, lol -Saturn would no doubt attract scrutiny in terms of workplace politics, to prevent any furtive, silly flings. More so the kind of shared values/life plan that brought you together at work could morph beautifully into romance, where you get to cultivate a compatible partnership-at home and in the world?
And if already in love, it’s all about respecting how much each other have going on in the world/career wise. To support & celebrate each other’s successes, and make quality time together when you can, amongst it all?
Then the Full Moon of the 17th in your work/ lifestyle sector, square transformative Pluto. To think -if I want to thrive in the world next level; healthy habits for optimum physical wellbeing & functional daily routine is the place to start. Lucky this is your natural thing, right?
Image: Gregory Regini