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So if it was a bit of a bitch mid Oct, with Mars charging into your sign getting you all excited and energised -only to trine Saturn retro, to cramp your style?

You’ll be thrilled about Saturn direct from November 4th, getting a more productive handle on your 5th house of creative talent and playful self expression:

I mean where Saturn retro may have stifled the more fun, impulsive aspect of your vibe-do admit it has helped you to knuckle down and get your act together, in terms of creative discipline? The more you’ve been doing the work, to be bloody good at what you do, the more you get to show it off with solid self-assurance, with Saturn direct this month…

To focus on sustainable ways to manifest your genius, in tangible terms. It feels good to be productive about it, right?

Also Saturn opposite Lilith in your social sector as he turns direct, with Neptune also in your 5th house opposing Venus in your social sector.

To the extent you are working your most visionary, weird inspiration, to express it effectively in the world-you totally attract attention. Venus brings the people who love your sweet social skills, to get along about the things you agree upon. And Lilith brings the people who are turned on by you more rebellious, unique point of view that not everybody else necessarily gets? Thus do you connect with your tribe.

Because even the people who want to bitch and judge whatever you’re on about-can’t help but respect the integrity with which you do it. And it’s kind of a turn on to be true to yourself, no matter what anyone thinks, in true Scorpio style.

Cue the Scorpio New Moon, November 13th.Conjunct Mars, to re-ignite your sexy lust for life and powerful charisma. Mars loves being in Scorpio and you love feeling so revved up, to live like you mean it:

-A rush of energy, for the physical vitality to go-gettem. I mean ok. conjunct nurturing Ceres quintile healer Chiron on your wellbeing sector-any health issues could be revealed, but only as an opportunity to optimise wellbeing, So not just pushing yourself for the sake of burnout. More intelligent self care, to raise your strength, high vibration and determination to fiercely positive levels, right?

-A rush of libido! Oh yes you are hot to trot, and your famous desirability and intoxicating seductive skills are on point. Thank you Mars. Also with Saturn & Neptune in your romance sector, even the most playful flirtation/love affair is imbued with emotional gravitas/soulmate magic.

And exactly opposite Uranus retro, with Jupiter retro in your love & partnership sector. Your key relationships flourish, allowing one another space to evolve, as your commitment to one another becomes more about positive growth you can share. A bit of radical honesty for this Moon could be just the thing, to bond with actual, courageous passion!

-A rush of creative energy. The more you are turned on by your visionary creative genius, yes it feels so good to get playful about it, just for fun. Also the more motivated by proper discipline, with Saturn direct-to get real about it. Whether working towards professional recognition or the satisfaction of personal accomplishment? It feels good to polish & manifest your brilliance, with a bit of elbow grease.

Including Sun, Mars & Ceres into your 2nd house of personal security & prosperity, from Nov 26th. Even more pragmatic power, to manifest the hell out of whatever matters to you right now, in deliciously material and financial terms. Especially opposite the Full Moon of Nov 27th, in your 8th house of personal entanglements. All about feeling the emotional subtleties with your lover, loved ones, family & financial negotiations. It’s important to know the dynamics you are dealing with, and honour everyone’s feelings rising up. Healthy relating matters, the better to express yourself with full authenticity. You love this x

Image: Naomi Campbell for Vogue Russia


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