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So Mars in your day job/health sector for ages last year was great to get your healthy, wealthy & wise work ethic & physical wellbeing up to scratch. So presumably you are powering forward, feeling strong & determined to seize whatever positive challenges Jan brings to thrive in 2021-yes you are so ready to rock!

Meanwhile, Chiron revealing vulnerable interpersonal issues & Uranus shaking up your love sector lately may have you way less sure of your key personal relationships/romantic confidence? I mean with your famous charisma, it’s not like you to doubt your sexy prowess, and you don’t even mind crazy romantic thrills & spills-you kind of thrive on the drama. But still, the impact of Uranus wobbling your most basic relationship paradigm/partner security may have taken its toll recently…

Especially with Lilith involved, you’re more likely to broadcast fierce, don’t fuq with me self-assurance, which is so spunky –but does it actually attract or scare off the partner/potential lovers hmmm?

I mean the point is you only want someone brave & devoted enough to be your genuine match -anything less is frankly tedious & you can’t be bothered. And the fab news is Mars in your love sector from the 7th brings the most ardent, hot blooded attraction juju you’ve enjoyed for ages –thank fuq, finally the sexy attention you deserve!

Maybe your special someone decides to be fully present to renew the mutual respect & sexy chemistry, or if dating/on the prowl hot new seduction opportunities abound. Either way, you adore the passionate vibe rising up this month…

Especially Mars conjunct Uranus and Lilith, exact on the 21st with the fiery Scorpio Moon involved is next level! It’s peak romantic thrills, incandescent lust & real feelings to turn you on. I mean ok it is volatile as hell; so as much as robust love & attraction picks up here; any cracks in certain tricky connections also become obvious, as does any tetchy need for space & emotional oxygen in between the magnetic chemistry. So mating season is a wild ride here, with relationships evolving at warp speed -you are ready for this huh?

Meanwhile the New Moon of the 13th, on Pluto is an equally significant chance to update your beliefs… for some clear, on point New Years resolutions to set fresh, effective intentions for 2021.

Then the Full Moon of the 29th is in your biz sector, and just saying that your best professional progress late Jan is all about dynamic relationships & healthy, happy home life to back you up –know what I mean?

New Year Resolution: I’m not scared of change in my personal life/love relationships anymore-in fact I embrace it. Not for the drama factor, romantic roller coaster I usually go for in my quest for emotional intensity; maybe this year I have a more liberating, easeful version of allowing my key connections to evolve on their on terms? What a relief!

Image: Paolo Roversi


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