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The New Moon of Dec 1st, in your 2nd house awakens your desire for the kind of personal freedom, that comes with creating autonomous material security, according to your core values.

Which is generally easy for you, being so staunch about your desires-the better to manifest them. And do admit you have an affinity with wealth, so kind of a natural at making good coin.

And this Moon in a grand trine- with Destiny Point in your 6th/work sector and Mars in your 10th/brilliant career sector. So sure, you totally have the confidence to be quite the professional, biz and financial success machine!


Also we need to consider, that this Moon in your 2nd is joined by Mercury retrograde-dammit.

I mean to be honest, as much as Mercury retrogrades are demonised they can be valuable opportunities, to re-think our strategies in innovative ways we wouldn’t bother with if the retro energy wasn’t doing our head in, lol.

Especially Mercury trine Chiron in your practical 6th house. Which helps to appreciate holistic wellbeing and sustainable, fulfilling lifestyle and professional choices-rather then just clinging onto whatever feels like security just because fear-based thinking. You might even enjoy the wriggle room, to play with very different scenarios than you would normally consider, knowing there is no rush to act on anything just yet. I mean with Saturn in your 5th/talent sector, the benefits of playing with the creative process can be advantageous, in the pragmatic sense that you are honing your skills, just as much as sorting out boring details. Know what I mean?

Also ok, Mercury retro opposite Jupiter in your 8th house might be way more tricky:

The 8th house is your natural habitat, where you get to explore your affinity with deep, hidden feelings/sex/emotional intimacy & the complexities of shared resources & emotional dependency with the people you are entangled with. Ruled by Mercury, in your chart.

The 2nd house is where you seek to protect yourself from the vagaries of being reliant on other people, by control-freaking your own, material independence. Ruled by Jupiter, in your chart.


Jupiter is in your 8th, seeking freedom by trusting shared emotional & financial growth, instead of trying to control everything. Mercury is in your 2nd, trying to figure out the minute details of your personal values & finances, in order to control everything. So they are in one another’s house, apparently with wildly different priorities-and they are both retrograde, on a New Moon! Gah!

Is this a messy clusterfuq? Or an amazing opportunity to finesse, and maybe dance with the complex psycho/emotional/financial balancing act you are currently navigating? Well ideally you choose the latter, obviously as much as possible.


Then will be interesting to see how this dynamic develops, by the Full Moon of Dec 15th.

This one has Jupiter, still retro conjunct the Moon in your 8th, opposite Sun in your 2nd, where Mercury is just about to turn direct-from Dec 17th.

So as much as your relational dynamics may be super emotional-which could be lovely, with loved ones revealing true feelings and the courage to be honest with one another, also complex headfuq, with volatile feelings suddenly rocking the boat. At least you get a chance to process whatever came up with the New Moon of the 1st, one way or the other?


Also you are valiantly trying to pull yourself together and behave rationally-I mean good luck with that on a Full Moon, lol, but full points for trying!

Actually the lovely news is Venus & Ceres conjunct, early December in your 3rd house of ideas and communication early December. Which absolutely helps to nurture your most positive, creative way of thinking about things.

And keep it sweet with any complex dialogues with your loved ones, we were just talking about.

Especially when Venus & Ceres swan into your 4th house of home & family, immediately into an exact stellium with Pluto, by Dec 8th.


Because with Pluto now officially in your 4th, for the next 20 years-it has recently dawned on you how big a deal it is that you are about to be digging deep, and transforming this area of your life for a very long time! Maybe you feel good about this chance to really bond with your tribe, on a deeper level, with the kind of powerful commitment to each other that you really value. And big questions about where you want to live, could be revealing a whole new home, to put roots down in? Or maybe freaked out, by any skeletons coming out of the familial closet/brewing power trips at home, or feeling a daunting change of location coming up?


Either way is truly beautiful to have Venus & Ceres charging up Pluto, in the first degree of your 4th, with loving, caring vibes to nurture your tribe & create a home for your heart. Bless x


Image: Raquel Zimmer


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