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So your lucky ruler Jupiter direct, powering forward in your communication sector trine clever Mercury in your social sector on Nov 1st, sets the tone of the month; to be bursting with positive enthusiasm, brilliant ideas to share & busy getting amongst it with the crew who get what you’re on about…

Stimulating intellectual repartee to inspire your genius, visionary mind & cultivate exciting social networks, to contribute to the cultural zeitgeist, or at least relate to your close mates as we move through these crazy times is such a turn on for you right now! Yes Jupiter will continue to align you with your tribe, based on living according to the principles that matter to you for the rest of the year; to feel connected to your own truth & the people you can share it with-nice one.

Meanwhile you have Mars hiding out in your soul sector from Nov 1st till mid Dec, so you also have to come to terms with a healthy relationship with self, solo time out & whatever spiritual practice fills your cup from within. There is discipline required right now; to sit with yourself, tune into an internal locus of power & personal equilibrium that comes from aligning with whatever higher truths/divine guidance speak to you -no matter what madness is unfolding in the world. Know what I mean?

And the New Moon of the 5th in your soul sector, opposite maverick Uranus in your work/health/lifestyle sector is perfect to walk your talk & live like you mean it, according to the dictates of your conscience. Honestly there could be fab opportunities to chase your dreams here, on your own terms; with tangible choices for the autonomous lifestyle you crave- if you are brave enough to grab them…

Especially with Venus into your income sector from the 6th is beautifully creative, to turn you on doing stuff you love for a living; also way more pragmatic & financially savvy than you are usually capable of (lol)-until March 2022!

So whatever you are doing right now, to finesse & monetise your innate talent just keeps getting better for the next 5 months -so that’s something to look forward to, if you keep your wits about you & focus on cultivating gorgeous intentions to thrive huh?

And the Full Moon, partial eclipse Nov 19th in your work sector, with Venus trine maverick Uranus also in your work sector has such unexpected, cool new opportunities to be a rebel at work/work on your independent biz to best advantage. Lucky you are the sign that cares less about job security & more about stimulating job satisfaction & free-range lifestyle, which works a treat here.

And this attitude hits peak confidence & maximum earning potential with Venus on lucrative Pluto, just as Mars hits your sign by mid December.

Meanwhile love? Mars lurking in your soul sector is not so much chasing attention from your lover/out there on the dating scene. More so appreciating a partner/soulmate type who gets your focus on whatever is deeply important to you right now, with plenty of space to love them right back for it in your own time. I mean with the Destiny Point on caring, nurturing Ceres in your love sector; this is what real, supportive, potentially long term relationships are made of, of course.

Image: Paolo Roversi


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