So the New Moon of September 3rd, in your 10th/brilliant career sector is a great way to begin the month. I mean as such an optimistic sign, you adore the sense of fresh possibility that New Moons bring. And this one is all about success, in the spirit of getting your professional act together:
Especially quintile Destiny Point in your 5th house of talent & confident self expression. Any creative process you are cultivating right now is so promising, in terms of showing off your brilliance vocationally.
And Venus/Bitch Lilith exactly conjunct in your social sector, for this Moon. Yes you have the persuasive charm if need be, to network effectively about promoting your biz plans.
But it’s not just vacuous, shameless self promotion for the sake of attention. More the buzz of pursuing your meaningful creative goals, with the satisfaction of being true to yourself about it. What you really adore is the moxy to be provocative, with shameless self expression of whatever you’re on about. As the eternal rebel, ultimately you could give a fuq what anyone thinks!
Also we need to talk about lucrative Pluto, retro back into your 2nd house, just in time for this Moon. Because the 2nd house is all about independent prosperity, based on your own personal values-an attitude you totally dig! And Pluto trine Uranus in your practical 6th house, as he joins Ceres in your 2nd, trine this New Moon.
You are so turned on cultivating your financial plan; with uncharacteristic finesse about how to monetise your creative schemes. Because it’s all about creating the radically autonomous lifestyle you require, the more you create the independent income to support Sag freedom. You love this vibe so much!
Then we need to talk about the Sag love life. Your 7th house of love/partner/relational dynamics and 8th house of sex/emotional intimacy/interdependence are so activated right now:
Your ruler, Jupiter in your 7th from last May until next June, then in your 8th until July 2026 -is kind of an extended Sag mating season! This brings out your best qualities, in terms of emotional generosity with the people you love and care about. You are learning to trust your own heart about embracing romantic adventures, and trusting the people you are involved with-with an open mind to accepting them for who they are. Of course you expect the same unconditional acceptance in return-and luckily more likely to attract the same courage from equally exciting people/a special someone, to love large with. How fabulous!
Ok also this could exacerbate your flighty tendencies, about demanding extravagant amounts of personal space, emotional oxygen & skittish about commitment, hmm? I mean this is ok, as far as healthy relationships go of course. But if you do get a reality check, about how emotional avoidance can alienate certain people-could be a valuable insight?
Meanwhile Mars keeps it sexy! Mars completing a conjunction with Jupiter in your 7th, early Sept. Where you’ve been realising who you are most excited about connecting with, in all areas of life. Then Mars firing up your 8th with next level passion, from Sept 5th. Your sexy love affairs & seductive moments get totally hot & bothered! And even better ready to keep it real, for courageous intimacy with someone special.
Then the Full Moon of Sept 18th is a Partial Lunar Eclipse, in your home sector. Square Jupiter, to reveal so much about your family dynamics & getting along with whoever you live with:
It’s an interesting one, between Saturn & Neptune. You get that the quality of commitment with your spouse, immediate tribe & familial obligations matters. As much as any slippery desire to run the fuq away, if it all gets too heavy?
So even though you tend to freak out, at the slightest hint of demanding expectations? And totally will take no crap, if anyone at home is actually trying to control you. Also you are surprisingly loyal, with the genuine tribe you share unconditional, mutual support with. So this Eclipse is all about making the effort, for actual, quality time with the people you love huh?