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So the New Moon of Oct 3rd begins the month, in your 11th/social sector. Which feels particularly emotionally resonant, being a Solar Eclipse and all. Also exactly conjunct Bitch Lilith, with Mercury involved. And opposite healer Chiron & Destiny Point, in your 5th house of talent, play & confident self expression.

So let’s talk about the many faces of Sag, on the social scene:

-Life of the party, swaggering around with exuberant rockstar moxy, egging everyone else on to have a good time with you. Do admit you can be quite indulgent, when you get your party mode on?

-Visionary, social justice warrior/guru of a more liberating, honest way of managing our communal systems. Especially the freedom movement happening right now, is probably turning you on? It’s so important to you, to feel you have a meaningful role in the collective evolution going on, being so idealistic & all.

-Wise owl, perched on the margins of society, in hermit mode. Too much in visionary mode, seeking profound communion, with your philosophical questions about the meaning of life, to give a fuq what everyone else is on about. Fair enough, you need space to do this. But also do admit, you can be a bit of a snob about it.  The plebs annoy the fuq out of you with their mediocrity, when your mind is on high faluting ideals, hmmm? In other words an anti-social bitch, because frankly everyone’s tedious demands interfere with the emotional oxygen you require to do your own thing. Gah, people can be so suffocating….

Ok so let’s keep all that in mind, in order to cultivate optimum connection with dear friends, community & the collective. Your tribe, that you care about, matters right now! Make time for them this month, huh?


Then speaking of relationships, let’s talk about your ruler Jupiter in your 7th, love/partner sector since June, aligning you with optimum Sag ways, to love large:

Totally permission to bring your big, generous heart to your love game. You know how to offer the same emotional oxygen you require, when you have someone special, to love as unconditionally as possible. Especially Mars in your 8th house of sexy/emotional connection this month-passions could be riding high. Even if it feels kind of vulnerable to be genuinely intimate, you trust the deeper feelings & smoking hot desire going on here, to feel the fear and love like you mean it anyway!

Because on the other hand, Jupiter could exacerbate your commitment phobic tendencies-being so committed to your own freedom & personal space, and all. Which is obviously fair enough, if you have some sketchy scenario to disentangle from. There’s nothing wrong with being single, obviously. Especially as the sign most charged about riding into the sunset, buzzed to embrace your own adventure that turns you on-brilliant. But I’m just saying-if you are being avoidant with someone you actually care about, just because you’re easily triggered, equating accountable, honest commitment with emotional suffocation? Maybe embracing scary love… could be worth it??

I point this out, because Jupiter retro from Oct 9th, until Feb. A chance to re-evaluate relational patterns, with all your loved ones. Maybe slow down and be present for love, however it shows up and however it feels? Nice one!

Especially Pluto direct, in your autonomous 2nd house, opposite Mars in your 8th house. Holding your own, with whatever independent stance matters-even as the entanglements that matter become so wildly honest -unleashing passion, devotion & even drama, that you are so ready to deal with. Time to keep it real, huh?

Also Pluto direct is brilliant, square the Full Moon of Oct 17th, in your 5th house of talent, play & creative self expression. You get to have fun, with freedom to be your true self in the world. The kind of self acceptance going on here is so healing, just in case you’ve been struggling with any external, bourgeois expectations we’ve been talking about? Your natural, exuberant authenticity feels so good to be real about. Even if it means stirring the pot, being your controversial, opinionated self-the better to connect with tribe who appreciate your idealistic sense of purpose, in the collective zeitgeist.

Especially just in time for Venus into Sagittarius, from Oct 18th. To really come into alignment with your gorgeous talent, good looks & desirability. By just being your natural self -Sag charisma is a thing!

Image: Leslie Crow for Amanda Leigh Smith


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