October begins with Venus in your social sector opposite Jupiter, retrograde in your self-expression sector. The trick is getting a meaningful sense of where you fit in the cultural zeitgeist, professional networking and circle of friends around you.
And the Full Moon of Oct 10th is so poignant re this, on the healer Chiron in your 5th house, opposite Venus in your social sector. It’s ok to feel vulnerable about self expression with Jupiter retro-because with clever Mercury involved from the 11th, you have the courage to still speak your truth as you do so well. So the people that matter get what you’re on about. And it feels so good to be understood, and part of something bigger/beautifully positive brewing in the world-know what I mean?
Meanwhile Mars, spending the next several months in your partner sector means your love life is also on fire. So much more likely to have someone passionate fully attracted to your gorgeous self, with the confidence to reciprocate. Lovely to renew the flame, and commitment with your special someone.
Or if single/on the prowl for romance? Venus in your social sector trine Mars Oct 18th is all about your flirty wiles and seductive allure on the dating scene. I mean being out & about is a buzz, for the sake of lovely networking with your tribe, as we discussed above. And just when you’re sparkling in the world being you, more likely to enjoy sudden chemistry with someone like minded and gorgeous-this could be fun!
Or if partnered, with Venus in your social sector maybe getting out & about together could be fun, to be that spunky couple sharing mutual interests in the world -more so than curled up on the couch mid month?
Then Venus in your soul sector, from the 23rd is a far more introverted vibe. Permission to recharge your batteries by connecting with your inner world- I mean as much as you are known for swaggering around with brazen confidence and all, you are a solo creature in your own way, and relish the oxygen to do your own thing, far from the gaze of public scrutiny.
Especially Venus conjunct the New Moon, partial Solar Eclipse of the 25th in your soul sector -for communing with your creative muse, spiritual inspo and shamanic, magical manifesting power you are so famous for. I mean no one else knows how the fuq you manage to swan around, with lucky opportunities turning up just when you need them. But you get the personal responsibility required to be self reliant/live intentionally on your own terms-and fully courageous to do so with this Moon:
-Romance is all about subtle soulmate signals, revealing one another’s feelings, to help trust your instincts about connecting on a deeper level. And with Saturn direct in your communication sector, it’s nice to talk about the feelings rising up for mutual understanding, more so than forcing the issue on any particular point of contention?
-And syncing your positive ruler Jupiter in your talent sector, feels like your creative muse is on -mainlining spectacular inspo from some spooky, cosmic connection to your visionary, higher intelligence.
But with Jupiter retrograde it’s more nurturing the creative process; dark horse style in the background, to finesse whatever you’re on about. The better to be ready to fully show off your brilliance, with Jupiter direct lighting up your confident self expression from late December till May 2023-something to look forward to!
Then Jupiter retro into your home sector from Oct 28th, where your restless spirit chafes against tricky domestic issues, you thought were sorted out last May, dammit. But you get that making the effort to create a positive home base/family dynamic is so worth it, to thrive with your tribe right?
Image: Cindy Crawford for Terry Richardson