So how long have you been dealing with Saturn on your case, with endless, character building hard work to get your personal discipline on point? Aargh since 2015 to be exact -over it much??
I mean with Saturn/Pluto in your income sector this year drilling down on the Sag budget, promising big payday if you can only stick to the biz/income plan, but it’s taking so long what with endless challenges -when am I going to attract some real coin for all my perseverance I hear you cry? Well the answer is here with your lucky ruler Jupiter perfecting the most sensationally lucrative, dynamic & empowering conjunction with Pluto this month-specifically Nov 8th-13th are super auspicious! Yay the Sag success machine is firing up & it could be so game-changing fabulous if you seize your full, sexy earning & manifesting potential right now…
Especially with Uranus & Lilith also liberating your work/day job sector. I mean some signs chase cash for the sake of accumulating wealth, but your motivation has more to do with the freedom that independent income brings; to live a more free-range, self determined, meaningful lifestyle sans dreary 9-5 wage slavery/the endless cycle of keeping up with bills etc. And my goodness the current astro could fully help you to hustle just that.
Also because with Mars in your talent sector for ages this year & turning direct mid Nov; you are so fired up with brilliant, dynamic creative confidence. You know what you’re good at & up for whatever shameless self-promotion to get it out there. Not to mention just the life-affirming buzz of fearless self-expression in the world, and having fun doing playful stuff you love just because it feels good to be alive! Yay I’m thinking it’s pretty nice to be you right now-finally.
Meanwhile the New Moon of the 15th aspects Jupiter perfectly, to hold the clearest intentions in terms of soul purpose etc, to manifest in the world. Then the Full Moon Eclipse of the 30th has Venus activating Uranus in your work/day job sector, for cool opportunities to professionally thrive turning up with weird, unexpected, spooky synchronicity.
Also this Full Moon in your partnership sector has key loved ones revealing their feelings, especially with Venus in your soulmating sector to tune into the subtle cues coming up in your love life. And Mars in your romance sector adds zing –sudden, passionate moments could spark up such wild chemistry to turn you on!
Image: unable to find original credit for this fab picture.