So your ruler Jupiter, in your domestic sector from mid-May is a
powerful pull to seek the ideal home for your heart in the coming year.
I mean we hear a lot about your disdain for bourgeois stability re property/family scenarios, being such a commitment-phobic, travelling gypsy type and all. But then again as Saggies get older you do tend to appreciate a supportive foundation, from which to launch your dreams & adventures in the world. Whether it’s a lush pad, cosy nest for shacked up love (yes Venus is in your partner sector right now), mobile home, yurt, exciting relocation to somewhere fab or whatever you are really into creating a sanctuary to call your own -and happily more likely to manifest it if you play your cards right!
Meanwhile the New Moon of the 12th in your work/health sector trine lucrative Pluto in your earnings sector, square Jupiter is a great time to get your act together. Any professional initiatives, savvy financial schemes and health kicks to stay in top physical & mental form are bound to work a treat mid-month.
Then Venus conjunct the Destiny Point & Mercury, in your partner sector around the 18th reveals a most promising new angle; for long-term love with someone special on the same romantic wavelength as you…Especially the Sag Full Moon of the 26th with Mars in your sexy 8th house opposite Pluto & square Jupiter, is spicy energy to love courageously just because real passion matters right?
Also lucrative Pluto helps to earn big bucks or at least clarify financial strategies, the better to get creative about how and where you want to live.