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So with your ruler Jupiter recently direct in your 7th, love partner sector and passionate Mars recently direct in your 8th, sex & emotional intimacy & financial entanglement sector. You are kind of ready to view things through the lens of relationship dynamics, in your life.

I mean as such an independent sign. do admit you can be alarmingly skittish-at the slightest hint of restrictive expectations from anyone, who presumes to demand your time or attention? So has been a challenge to calm down & feel into your closes connections, with the capacity to handle a bit of healthy interdependence with certain, special people, right?

Also, despite your commitment-phobe reputation, this has revealed the tremendous generosity of spirit you bring to relational dynamics, that is often underestimated. As much as you demand plenty of emotional oxygen to do your own thing -you totally reciprocate. Your love language is allowing others the freedom, to be their true selves as well. So often you turn up when loved ones really need support-with the positive encouragement & unconditional devotion, to love them as they are.

So even as it got real, when Jupiter & Mars retro in recent months dialled up the intensity? I’m giving you full credit for remaining accountable-even as certain, tricky scenarios required vulnerability & commitment, beyond your normal comfort zone. You can show this to whoever you’ve stuck with, through the storm. You’re welcome.

All the better to feel that yes, you can love large right now-to approach the astro this month-as follows:


March begins with a spectacular stellium of Ceres, Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Destiny Point & Neptune in your 4th house-of home & family. I mean this is another sector of your chart, you are apparently uncomfortable with. All about familial obligations, emotional entanglements with your tribe, settling down in one place & all the financial pressure-of creating a stable home. I mean as such a restless sign, perhaps you find this all rather suffocating?

And how about Neptune in your 4th for the last 13 years, to influence your perspective:

Maybe inspiring a yearning desire for a beautiful abode to call your own. A lush sanctuary where you can be creative, and replenish your energy in between bouts of travel wanderlust. Or maybe the wanderlust has been so strong, have deliberately avoided being tied down to one place-preferring the flow of a more nomadic existence? And Saturn involved, since 2023 has been a reality check:

Whether working your ass off to manifest a stable home base, you realise you actually value. Even if certain, insecure domestic scenarios have been alarmingly challenging to pin down? Having rely on your sheer, manifesting magic at times!

And trust Uranus in your practical 6th house, for the alacrity to keep your income independent enough -to fund whatever settled or free range living scenario, you desire. Which the Lunar Eclipse of March 14th, in your brilliant career sector is so helpful about. Trine Uranus & opposite the action in your 4th, for genius instincts about the kind of professional success that supports the lifestyle you desire.


Because meanwhile, same goes with family dynamics. A desire to feel really, truly emotionally connected with your tribe. With beautiful synergy, to share unconditional familial devotion. Or maybe Neptune has had you even more squirmy-madly avoiding any obligatory, family expectations that cramp your style? Again, Saturn involved since 2023 has been a reality check. The emotional discipline, to commit to the tribe you realise how much you care about. And ok, permission to set boundaries, with any control freakery going on-as is your wont, you will not be told what to do!


Which makes caring, mama Ceres into your 4th house as March begins so special. Joining the spectacular stellium in your 4th, and focus on interdependent relationships we spoke about earlier. Suddenly it feels so easy to cultivate loving, nurturing trust with the people you really care about by now. Feels like Neptune has done the job, as he prepares to complete his transit of your 4th-to help you embrace the mutual support that feels so good. I love this for you!


Which brings me to the really big news this month. Neptune into your 5th house of confident talent, creative play and good times doing stuff you love with your crew, from March 31st-for the next 13 years!

Neptune in your 5th is a blast, to do with unleashing your most divine, intoxicating talent upon the world.  if you keep it high frequency, you could attract all the right attention from folk who are fascinated by your charismatic, creative genius. And flowing with whatever quality, healthy pleasures fill your cup.

And is important to keep it high end. Because to the extent that, do admit, your naughty appetites can be excessive? The temptation for dodgy, Neptunian indulgence is real -so you want to watch being too much of a lush about it, right?


A little clue could be Venus & Mercury, retrograde in your 5th this month. Especially by the Solar Eclipse of March 29th-so full of promising creative potential, that dammit, needs more time to finesse the details. But do you give up, and go get drunk instead? No no, less sooking please-you are embracing the virtue of patience & temperance right now.

Image: Rankin, Qvest-Magazine Rose Huntington Whitely



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