So we’ve been talking a lot recently, about your lucky ruler Jupiter in your 4th house of family & domestic concerns ( check out your Jan 2022 scopes for more detail). Suffice to say you are super switched on to optimum ways to create a home base that you love, and loving relationships with the special tribe/partner you share your space with. The better to enjoy a positive, fulfilling personal life from which to thrive this year.
So the New Moon of March 3rd, bang on Jupiter in your 4th house is fab domestic inspo to begin the month:
As you lush up your living space, to wake up every day in a gorgeous abode that turns you on. Because you’re more aware than ever that feng shui matters; as in the energetic frequency of your environment makes all the difference to your personal vitality.
And emotionally generous with your tribe, with that fab Jupiterian capacity for unconditional love you’re so good at. Wonderful to enjoy positive family dynamics & marital bliss/having fun at home with your lover.
Especially Venus/Mars conjunct, in a romantic embrace bang on passionate Pluto for this Moon. And they’re in your sector of security, values and cash:
To maybe cultivate committed, authentic connection with your shacked up partner -and the bedroom vibe helps, with sexy Pluto involved hmmm?
And maybe work the family budget, with Pluto for the sexy financial nous to create a home for your heart with your crew. I mean do admit you can be pretty loose with the cash, and Jupiter can exacerbate your extravagant tendencies here! So this Moon is great to pull it together and invest your resources wisely, toward a home base that makes you feel good.
Also this Moon syncs radical Uranus and the Destiny Point in your day job sector; for very cool insights about chasing promising ways to hustle the income you need, based on the kind of opportunities to work on your own terms that suit your free range style.
Especially Venus/Mars and Mercury/Saturn in your sector of genius ideas/writing/media & clear communication this month; super inspiring if you happen to have any dialogues/social media/academic/public speaking/writing type opportunities to express yourself in the world?
The better to prepare for the Full Moon of the 18th, in your career sector trine lucrative Pluto in your earning sector and the Destiny Point in your day-job sector. Primo astro, to grab your best instincts about satisfying professional progress; and monetise the hell out of them with that abundant, confident attitude you do so well.
Also worth pointing out, if you happen to be single/dating/on the prowl… Venus/Mars have your flirty wiles bang on point, to chat up someone fascinating. Could be promising, or at least fun?
Image: unable to find credit for this cool picture.