So it’s all about your lucky ruling planet, Jupiter dithering retrograde on the cusp of your 4th house of domestic & family concerns all month:
I mean with Jupiter in your ideas sector last Dec-May 15th you were so onto that thing you do so well; thinking big, expansive, affirmative thoughts to manifest good things just because of sheer determination to stay positive no matter what. This is your natural superpower, of course.
Then Jupiter into your 4th house since mid May has felt like permission to lush out and enjoy your best, fulfilling home life. Maybe creating a beautiful sanctuary where you live, scoring the perfect new pad or even entertaining an exciting move to somewhere fabulous-I mean even 18 months of stupid lockdown etc can’t dampen Sag wanderlust/travel dreaming right? And high hopes for sweet, open hearted, shacked up love with your lover, happy family dynamics and getting along with co-habs for a home for your heart.
Especially the New Moon of the 10th in your sex/intimacy sector, trine Neptune in your home sector is gorgeous for idealistic romance on home turf, if you have someone special right now? And just in time for the hot dating/mating action of Mars conjunct Venus, exact July 14th in your adventure/vision sector. To try new experiences & places with your partner for fun & keep growing together. Or if single sudden attractions when travelling, chasing new dreams, or just raving on about politics in some bar or whatever like you do, for intellectual stimulation then suddenly you lock eyes & bam, sexual frisson kind of thing?
So that’s all fine, but meanwhile Jupiter retro adds an element of frustration; as it dawns on you throughout the month that certain scenarios are not moving forward as swiftly as you were hoping? I mean you are basically on track with your plans, so it pays to keep the faith rather than change tack or self-doubt- just not so much instant gratification for the moment. Delays happen, loved ones take their time to get their act together, property/real estate issues are not to be rushed and you generally have to persevere, slowly in a way that infuriates your natural impetuous vibe…
But honestly, with Jupiter back into your ideas sector from August, for the rest of the year you are better off scheming & dreaming, cultivating promising dialogues and taking the time to finesse your brilliant intentions. Jupiter direct from mid- October reboots your positive affirmations nicely, then early 2022 will reveal the perfect personal/home life you are ready to properly manifest by then. Patience please- it’s a process!
Image: Isabeli Fontana by David Sims