So Saturn in your income sector for the last few years was all about financial survival issues, which was challenging but do admit you have become so much more biz savvy, just because you had to right? And your ruler Jupiter involved for 2020 brought that fab, rebellious confidence of yours to get ahead despite the dystopian madness etc. Well done for keeping the faith!
Because the New Moon of Jan 13th is bang on powerful, lucrative Pluto in your income sector, to bring a fresh perspective to your most effective scheme to hustle serious coin. Especially with Venus in the house, it’s all about bringing your unique, brilliant talent to full expression. I mean you’ve worked hard enough for the last few years; you’re not faking it till you make it anymore, you are the real deal & genuinely amazing at what you do right??
Good so you’re ready to make money doing your thing, and for Sag wealth is all about independent income doing stuff you love on your own terms, more so than stable job security as such…
Which is lucky, because meanwhile Mars is joining Uranus shaking up your day job sector big time this month. Yes hare brained schemes fall over or even promising gigs could end or change at warp speed, which is a bitch. But also fab, exciting opportunities turn up just as fast & unexpectedly, the more outside your comfort zone the better to be honest. Your superpower here is alacrity to evolve & grow, with the confidence to shine & perform brilliantly in any situation-lucky this is your natural thing huh?
Especially the Mars/Moon/Uranus/Lilith conjunction around the 21st, with such fierce, bang on instincts about what you want to do for a living. By then you are more fired up than ever to nail a free range, autonomous work/life balance; including the dynamic health/workout regime to support living & working on your own, liberated terms. OMG you love this so much!
Meanwhile your ruler Jupiter in snazzy conjunction with Saturn has been revealing, to identify & finesse the best ideas you want to manifest in the world, so that’s handy. Especially by the Full Moon of the 29th in your vision sector powered by Jupiter, your positive intentions are so fab & ready to go. Excellent.
And love? The sweet Venus/Mars action of the 10th has the Moon in Sag to share your feelings that much more honestly, with Jupiter & Mercury for spunky, flirty schmooze to keep it alluring. Also focused on where you live, so shacking up/domestic bliss/cosy dates in with someone special could be pretty sweet by mid month…
New Year Resolution: I’ve been working so hard for lucrative payday-not just for the sake of money but more the wealth of a free, autonomous lifestyle. So now that it’s actually happening, I’m ready to explore what I really want to do with the next, fab chapter of my life.
Image: Anja Rubik by Mario Sorrenti for Vogue Paris