So the New Moon of August 4th is fab way to begin the month, in your natural habitat-the expansive 9th house. You adore this kind of fresh perspective in your 9th, where you get to focus on the big picture stuff that turns you on:
Exciting travel plans, to broaden your horizons. Brazen life plans, to chase your wildest dreams, unencumbered by bourgeois expectations. Philosophical enquiry/intellectually stimulating conversations about the meaning of life. Academic study/writing/any chance to pontificate about your thoroughly considered opinions, lol. Anything to do with liberating freedom of movement, mental freedom & emotional oxygen to pursue your most meaningful sense of purpose in the world is Sag bliss!
So it’s great that this Moon joins Venus in your 9th, where she’s been inspiring your lust for personal growth recently. Especially the New Moon & Venus trine the Destiny Point & healer Chiron, in your 5th house of talent, creative confidence and life affirming play. This feels like such fun!
Also Venus square Uranus, in your practical 6th house here. You do get, that you may have to embrace radical new lifestyle choices and innovative new work ethic, to thrive right now…I mean as an enthusiastic Sag, your superpower is so excited about a liberating lifestyle-willing to do whatever it takes, getting the hell out of your comfort zone and working your ass off to make it happen, right?
Cue the action in your 10th/brilliant career sector this month:
Mercury retrograde in your 10th, Aug 5th alerts you to tedious biz/administrivia you would rather avoid, being so averse to playing the bourgeois game of success and all? Just as Venus swans into your 10th from Aug 6th, with permission to show off your brilliant talent & shine in the world. Mercury and Venus meet, exactly conjunct August 8th, as they travel in different directions.
A perfect opportunity to cultivate patience about attention to detail/problem solving. Because you are so genuinely inspired by finessing some genius professional scheme, potentially liberating in terms of creatively fulfilling work/lifestyle balance-Sag motivation right there!
Then Mercury retro into your expansive 9th house, from August 15th. I mean this could be a bit of a bitch, where you are particularly restless to charge forward, embracing your visionary dreams-unencumbered by bloody Mercury retro delays, dammit. Ok but do take a deep breath & calm down-a bit of patience now goes a long way, to have your act fully together when Mercury direct from August 30th swans forward for easier, precise success strategies for Sept. Something to look forward to…
Meanwhile, how good is Mars activating your positive ruler Jupiter, in your love/partner sector right now? Exact August 14th, so mid month is totally Sag mating season. It’s all about sexy passion, physically & mentally stimulating, devoted as fuq but with the radical honesty for plenty of personal space -quite the Sag aphrodisiac!
I mean you love to love large, with total emotional generosity, and so appreciate someone special, just as hot blooded as you to turn each other on. But do admit you can also feel suffocated, seeking wriggle room for personal space and even looking for the back door to run a mile at warp speed, at the merest hint of needy emotional vulnerability? Hmm, you might want to work on the fierce Sag independence policy, lol? But to your credit, you adore the hell out of a good lover who shares your capacity for trust-totally reciprocating the mutual respect.
Cue the Full Moon of August 20th, in your ideas/communication sector. Opposite Sun/Mercury in your 9th, and trine Mars in your love sector. Fab to stimulate your mind with your most visionary ideals. And ideally sweet communication skills, if you have a lover who gets what you’re on about-which is so much more likely right now. Lucky you x
Image: Annie Monroe by James D. Kelly