So it’s all about the rare, divine conjunction between your positive ruler Jupiter & magical Neptune this month. It’s a super inspirational, expansive vibe for you, that has been brewing for a while; with Jupiter briefly in Pisces last June, then charging forward in Pisces toward Neptune since January.
Which has had your antennae sparked this year; that something big is up to embrace your most meaningful personal growth, magical manifestation skills and the freedom to be the irrepressible, wild & wonderful free spirit that you were born to be…
And now, Jupiter & Neptune finally meet-fully exact from April 9th-16th.
-You dream big dreams, because you are so turned on by the unlimited potential of your life path & what you have come to do in this world- because you aint just daydreaming, you’re ready to walk your talk for real.
-You are highly intuitive & emotionally sensitive, to be acutely aware that any choices you make honour your sense of higher spiritual purpose, and being true to yourself in terms of holistic wellbeing.
Especially as this is going on in your domestic/personal sector, with Venus & Mars involved by mid month.
So many of your dreams may actually be about manifesting the ideal, beautiful home for your heart. A sanctuary to bliss out in and replenish your energy, the better to charge around chasing your goals in the world.
And lovely, unconditional love for your tribe. For sweet family dynamics, and connecting with loved ones on home turf.
And yes, with Venus & Mars involved syncing caring Ceres in your marriage sector, this includes passionate moments to bond with your shacked up lover. Domestic bliss, with a partner who supports your hopes & dreams is a gorgeous possibility here.
Or if dating, could be some crazy exciting seduction, staged at home to turn you on?
Also just in time for the Full Moon of the 17th, in your social sector syncing lucky Jupiter. This is fab, for the confidence to express yourself fully and network with the crew who genuinely get what you’re on about. To feel part of the social zeitgeist, and be part of meaningful, positive, game changing action in the world… you love this!
Because meanwhile, the New Moon of April 1st is in your life-affirming play sector, so you begin the month determined to have fun. Especially the healer Chiron involved, to appreciate the simple pleasures that bring a sense of wellbeing. And with clever Mercury involved; stimulating conversations, chatting up a storm & showing off your genius in the world could be your favorite buzz?
Image: Alexandra Vaneti