Full Moon in Sagittarius, exact 11.53pm May 23rd, AEST. To the extent Full Moons are a rising up of whatever feelings have been brewing recently-in Sag we are restless as fuq, truth seeking rebels and most of all-we want to be free!
At the best of times our emotional impulse, with Sag Full Moons is to tell the truth-and we understand that in order to do so we must interrogate our own belief systems. Which can unleash quite the philosophical process of self enquiry, and philosophical questions about the meaning of life, and our own visionary purpose in the scheme of things. Oh yeah-Sag doesn't just emote on a basic bitch level. More emotionally turned on by the big, wildly exciting but also impossibly existential search for a higher, idealistic truth. This is a beautiful thing-to seek our own, divine clarity we can share in such a fractured, fluctuating world right now...
And we expect everyone else to be just as honest & genuine as we are attempting to be. Which is gorgeous for the relationships right now, thriving on shared values, and the mutual integrity of clear communication. But also can we bitch & moan or what, when certain people aint matching our high-frequency vibe? Self righteous & judgemental much?
I suppose the trick is the empathy, that comes with the generous, open minded Sag attitude. We get that we are all on a journey of self discovery, at different stages of understanding what it all means.
The Sag trip of taking responsibility for our own personal journey, and quite rightly expecting to be respected for our own point of view-rebellious as fuq if anyone tries to control or cramp our style? Yes indeed. But equally we must respect everyone else's journey, and resist the urge to judge or preach at them...know what I mean?
Because this Moon exacerbates all the Sagittarius tendencies big time-opposite Sag ruler Jupiter. And being in the last degree of Taurus, positive Jupiter wants to manifest our most visionary, optimistic potential in real life. It's one thing to be idealistic about everything, quite another to walk our talk about it, right?
Especially activating Jupiter approaching an exact square with Pluto, in Aquarius. The more we remain true to ourselves, with authentic connection to one another...the more we can all phoenix into a couragous new chapter, of positive collective evolution! Quite a big call, but as an optimistic Sag myself, I think this Moon could be a nice clue about how to get there...
Happy Sagittarius Full Moon x