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So Mars in your income sector, where he has a natural affinity, for months on end this year has you all fired up to chase the dollar-but to what end? I mean with Chiron also in the house you are more tuned into the satisfaction that comes from doing something meaningful with your time, and prioritising health & wellbeing as even more valuable than cash, when it comes to work/life balance right?

And with the Full Moon of the 2nd bang on Chiron and Mars retrograde; it’s a lovely time to step back & finesse the earning strategy with that awesome intuition/emotional intelligence of yours, rather than just charging forward for the sake of material progress. I bet this feels pretty nice; to slow down and fill your cup, especially with nurturing Ceres in your soul sector for some regenerative meditation/inner focus huh? Yes, the better to pick up the pace of material progress when Mars gets moving from mid Nov.

Meanwhile lucky Jupiter direct in your social sector is a different story. You are so energised by getting out & about, inspired by your tribe for an expansive sense of doing cool stuff in the world, with the lovely friends/crew you can relate to! I mean of course lockdown etc wherever you are in the world could be cramping your social life dammit, but still networking and feeling part of the collective zeitgeist (including advantageous professional schmoozing)-even if online whatever, could be such a positive thing for the next few months…

Meanwhile the Pisces love life benefits from Venus in your partnership sector this month, where all of your key relationships are more harmonious for lovely, caring & sharing human connection. And yes especially romantic action, to hopefully attract some sweet attention from someone special.

Especially around the New Moon of the 17th in your intimacy sector, which opposite Mars is pretty damn hot &sexy! I mean again with Mars retro on bitch Lilith, you might be tempted to pick fights/get into drama if you have any gnarly issues to sort out in your key entanglements. But of course much better to take this opportunity to handle the vulnerability of how strong the feelings are now, to embrace the passion with as much spunky mutual respect as possible –know what I mean?

Image: Eliza Delite


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