So you are quite pleased with the New Moon of Nov 1st, being in your expansive 9th house. Where you get the freedom to embrace your visionary dreams, and cast your magical influence as widely as possible in the world.
Especially Mercury in the 9th for this Moon, activating Mars in your 5th house of self expression opposite Pluto in your 11th, social sector. You are so articulate about your most high frequency, idealistic mission in life right now. To connect with tribe who appreciate your genius-to feel a meaningful connection with the game-changing collective dynamics, going on around you.
And the planets are on the move, immediately after this New Moon for a sense of how swiftly you are evolving this month:
Mercury joins Venus, in your brilliant career sector from Nov 2nd. To the degree your dreams are about vocational success, you totally have the talent and persuasive professional charm to make it happen.
Mars into your practical 6th house, from Nov 4th, trine Mercury. You get that the discipline to focus on healthy daily habits is key, to charge up your physical vitality. The better to create the lifestyle you desire-and fire up the work ethic, to realise the professional goals you are so excited about here.
I mean we need to talk about Mars, in an extended transit of your 5th house from Sept till April. Firing up your playful creative genius and confidence to show off about it. What fun! So Mars ducking into your 6th house this month, until Jan is a bonus, to begin manifesting your creative vision for real, professionally/on the job. Any extra effort coming up for the next few months is so worth it, right?
So we might as well talk about Saturn in Pisces, from April 2023 till June 2025:
On the one hand as such an ineffable cosmic child, your mystical vibe can be quite slippery, about being pinned down to actual reality, deadlines etc… Not necessarily a fan of disciplinarian, material realist Saturn cramping your style, right?
On the other hand you adore magical realism! But bending reality to your will, in terms of living an inspired life of mysterious synchronicities as you magically manifest like a pro, requires real, practical magic. In other words maintaining fully conscious intentions-and rolling up your sleeves to actually work at it, every single day. So Saturn direct in Pisces, from Nov 19th is such a turn on. Any tedious delays you’ve been dealing with begin to release, with more affirmative challenges coming up- to successfully get your act together.
And speaking of conscious intentions, the Full Moon of Nov 16th is in your ideas & communication sector. Conjunct radical genius Uranus, opposite Sun in your 9th house-where you began the month all fired up to expand your horizons. As much as you are brewing weird & wonderful schemes, about your visionary, idealistic life plans? It’s kind of tricky, as also questioning everything you thought you believed in?? This is the definition of intellectual honesty-realising you always have more to learn. It's exciting to be on your own, inspiring learning curve…and being immaculate with your word, about communicating whatever you are thinking about clearly, with people around you. Maybe certain dialogues get real honest, at warp speed here!
Especially this Moon trine Pluto, in the last degree of your 11th/social sector. Where Pluto has been revealing the powerful role you play, amongst your friends and wider community-for the last 15 years. It’s been quite a trip, navigating your niche on the scene. All the power dynamics & bourgeois expectations, from certain fuqwits as well as the loving tribe where you get to be your full, glorious self, connected to the zeitgeist have revealed themselves, in all their glory. So with Pluto completing his transit of your 11th for this Moon-a great chance to realise how far you’ve come. Feeling comfortable in your skin with integrity, no matter who you are dealing with.
Then Pluto in your natural habitat, the spooky 12th house from Nov 20th, feels like coming home. I mean many signs are freaked out in the 12th, where God & all his devils exist…but you love it!
A chance to tune out from the white noise of the world. To focus on spiritual discipline, to commune with the divine as you understand it, commune with your creative muse, for your talent to become more sublime and be courageous about facing & transcending any personal demons, lurking in your subconscious. I know this sounds like quite a mission, right? But no pressure-plenty of time with Pluto in your 12th for the next 20 years. To shine your radiant light into the depths of your soul & rise up singing x
Image: unable to find original credit, for this fabulous picture.