Happy Birthday Pisces -and I tell you what you have a spectacular Pisces season going on, with so much action in your sign right now!
You begin March, still jiving from the Pisces New Moon of Feb 28th. Emotionally clear and ready to embrace the extraordinary stellium of Ceres, Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Destiny Point & your ruler Neptune in your sign. Your full, brilliant potential emotionally, creatively, spiritually & in terms of getting your material act together reveals itself-in all your complex glory. Especially Saturn in Pisces semi-sextile Chiron in your 2nd house of personal values & prosperity, exact in the first few days of March.
It feels so wonderfully real & exciting, to be you right now. As a cosmic child, able to manifest your magic in real life-you are ready to rock! And here’s why:
The force has been strong, with your mystical ruler Neptune, right at home in Pisces since 2012. So as you reflect on just how fuqing magnified, your innate nature & calling in the world has been, for the last 13 years? I don’t need to tell you, of all people the extreme highs & lows of Neptune energy.
All the way from absolute divine bliss-with a spiritual, shamanic, mediation type practice to feel connected to universal love & loving creator, intoxicated by the sublime creative inspiration you’ve been channelling and embodying exquisite compassion for yourself and others. To the other extreme of unleashing any louche tendencies that, do admit, you quite like indulging? Whether extra drinkies/various intoxicants, daydreaming/fantasist/outright delusional escapism to take the edge off reality or any hare-brained schemes &batshit crazy relational dynamics that ensue?
Presumably a mixture of the above, of course. As a slippery, dualistic creature you’ve been coming to terms with the duende line of the human condition, where all the angels & devils play….In other words, ideally you have a real, inclusive understanding of your own nature by now. Dealing with your all too human, wobbly moments even as you choose to shine your glorious light and align with true calling in this crazy world, anyway. And as a natural guru, inspiring the rest of us as you go, more than you realise? So I bring this up, as Neptune is still involved with the extraordinary number of planets in Pisces this month-reminding you to keep it as high frequency as possible.
Cue the really big news-Neptune switching signs into your 2nd house of solid personal values & material prosperity from March 31st. Cue a whole new phase of manifesting magic! Late Feb till October is awesome inspo, about grounding your dreams into long term, tangible reality. Even when
Neptune retro switches back into Pisces from October-you know you’re on track towards Neptune getting serious in your 2nd from Jan 2026, for the next 13 years.
Meanwhile, let’s talk about Mercury into your 2nd house as Venus turns retro in your 2nd house, from March 3rd. Then Mercury retrograde joins Venus retro March 15th, as they travel backwards together. So just when you’re suddenly onto clever, crafty ways to hustle wealth & personal independence, the momentum stalls-dammit?? Yes but Chiron also in your 2nd house helps, to appreciate the chance to slowly, but surely cultivate the creative process for the rest of the month
Especially when Venus & Mercury retro, back into Pisces get to cross paths with Neptune about to leave Pisces, exactly conjunct March 27th till 30th. Quite the sublime few days, to realise that maybe self acceptance & comfortability in your own, gorgeous skin is the real magic here!
The better to get, as Neptune enters your 2nd house from March 31st-is not about forcing sudden, material success. More that manifesting magic is an organic process, as your true light shines forth and imbues any material endeavours with your unique, creative & spiritual brilliance, in order to succeed. Sounds kind of grandiose-but you do have the next 13 years to figure it out. Bless x
Meanwhile the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse of March 14th is in your 7th, love sector. Opposite Sun conjunct Saturn, Destiny Point & Neptune in Pisces. So to the extent you are keeping it real right now, with awesome authenticity as we’ve been talking about? So much more likely to connect with loved ones, who’ve been supporting you the whole time, with the emotional intelligence to get what you’re on about. And you have the capacity to commit to the special people you have your back, in return. And trine Mars retro in your sweet romance sector, passions are rising up with any sexy love affair. But they can’t be forced-enough to slow down & make time for quality time together.
Then the New Moon, Solar Eclipse of March 29th is conjunct Mercury retro, in your 2nd house. Just as Venus retro aligns with Neptune, Destiny Point & Saturn in Pisces. A powerful chance to be emotionally switched on, about all the magical, transformative action we spoke about earlier-coming up by late March.
So yes, you are quite the star of the show-embodying your natural magic in this most powerful Pisces season. Shine on, you crazy diamond xx
Image: Mira Nedyalkova