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So Saturn approaching a conjunction with your ruler Neptune, retro in Pisces from July 4th, is the background mood this month. 

Whatever else is going on, you low-key get that patient, pragmatic discipline will make all the difference, to manifesting your most inspired dreams & creative schemes in real life. Magical realism is your best look right now. And you have the next 12 months to get it right, so no rush. I’m just saying any clues coming up, about working your visionary genius in more practical ways, are totally worth paying attention to…

Especially Mercury in your creative 5th house, exactly trine Neptune in your sign as the month begins. Then Mercury into your practical 6th house, from July 2nd is exactly opposite Pluto in your natural habitat-the 12th/soul sector:

Could be a fab clue, about working your clever talent on the day job this month. Certain professional strategies come into focus, and I tell you what you totally have the gift of the gab-to network & charm all the right people, you could advantageously work with. 

Even more important, you are totally tuned into your creative & spiritual muse. You get that healthy self care, as well as effective work ethic is based on being aligned with your inner calling, to be ruthlessly true to yourself. You aint compromising right now, or working your ass off just for the sake of it. More manifesting your most meaningful goals in your daily life. Know what I mean? 

Especially the New Moon of Dec 6th, conjunct Venus in your 5th house. This is where you come to terms with your natural talent & creative confidence, and making time for whatever playful fun turns you on. 

So of course creative, pleasure loving Venus adores being in your 5th, to bring your full radiance to how you express yourself and enjoy the simple pleasure in life. 

I mean ok, Venus here trine Neptune in Pisces, retrograde. Could be a teensy temptation to party hard, if you happen to be inclined to indulge intoxication/naughty pleasures etc? And fair enough, this could be fun. But also don’t forget Saturn, creeping up on Neptune-suggests there is much more satisfaction to be had, from the buzz of working your creative process. Showing off your brilliance in the world, that you are burning the midnight oil getting better at, could be more exciting. And certainly avoids a sore head in the morning, from that extra cocktail of an evening, right? 

Because beyond the work ethic-and just having fun?  This Moon brings out your beautifully playful, capacity for joy. When it comes to having a good time, the more life affirming and high frequency your lifestyle choices are, the better.

Also this Moon exactly opposite caring Ceres, in your social sector. I’m just saying that one of the most satisfying aspects of this Moon, is all about connecting wth your tribe. 

Sure the good times we’ve been talking about, could be your social butterfly charisma on the scene. Much more likely to be noticed, as you flit about being gorgeous in the world. I mean if any professional networking going on-you are so shining bright about shameless self promotion! 

And lovely for quality times with good friends, to enjoy one another’s company. Also getting involved with the immediate community you care about, to feel you can contribute to harmonious group dynamics. 

Yes, maybe even feeling involved in the broader socio-cultural zeitgeist going on around you-in these crazy times of collective upheaval. I mean with Saturn/Neptune in your sign, you could be a bit of a wise guru, to inspire the rest of us to raise our frequency/get along as best as possible. And honestly, we do appreciate it. 

And ok, Venus in your romantic 5th house opposite Ceres in your social sector, could be fun to flirt it up in the world. I mean if you are single/on the prowl on the dating scene right now-prime time to connect with someone promising! Partly because you are so damn gorgeous right now, who could resist you? Also your natural empathy, could be connecting with someone ready to reciprocate, for a more meaningful romance?  

A meeting of minds, with shared values could be your new turn on here. With someone new, or if in love/partnered already same goes-shared values & encouraging one another’s visionary genius, could be the way forward?

Especially Mars conjunct Uranus, in your ideas/communication sector, exact by July 16th:

You suddenly have the courage, to interrogate your own belief system-about pretty much everything! A new perspective, about your own attitude could be so liberating. Seemingly random light bulb moments, with radical new concepts to evolve at warp speed. I mean don’t forget Pluto getting serious in your soul sector-your intuitive wisdom is on fire right now. New neural pathways, to refresh your internal narrative with yourself could be wildly revealing! 

And the better to hook up, conversationally, with all the right people. it feels good to share brilliant insights, with the people who get what you’re on about. Or even certain peeps, who question your weird & wonderful genius, are challenging in a positive way. It’s all about intellectually stimulating, exciting dialogues that turn you on right now. 

You are evolving right now, and so are your communication skills, with the people/tribe who can keep up with you. 

And yes, your flirtation skills are on fire here. One minute you are debating some point of conjecture/opinions that have you both fired up-next minute  you lock eyes and shazam; sexy chemistry at warp speed and off you go, to work it out in the bedroom! Of course this works, whether trying to figure out difference of opinion with your existing lover -or if single some new hottie your are suddenly seducing, with your clever wiles. 

Then the Full Moon of July 21st, in your social sector, conjunct Pluto in your soul sector.  Trine Uranus in your 3rd house, just in time for Mars joining Jupiter in your 4th/home sector: 

This Moon is such powerful alignment with your personal truth. In terms of how you express yourself in social situations and proper, emotional connection with your tribe & family, with whom you can be your true self in terms of expressing your radical opinions. It’s nice to shine your most authentic light, that you’re working on activating internally, with the rest of the world, right? 

Image: Peony Lim.


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