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So how was your sneak preview of Jupiter in Pisces, mid-May till July 29th this year? I mean Jupiter adores Pisces, being your old skool ruler and all; and you love Jupiter reminding you how expansive, visionary & positive your cosmic charisma really is.

So just as you got a wonderful taste of your full, fabulous Pisces potential and ready to explore it recently; Jupiter promptly turned retro June 21st to slow you down a bit. And now backing out of your sign, from August till next Jan dammit! But that’s ok, Jupiter in your natural turf, the soul sector of magical, spiritual inspo for the rest of the year has you dreaming the right dreams, to be manifested more fully when Jupiter returns for an incandescent trip thru Pisces early 2022. So worth waiting for…

And sexy Mars, joining love goddess in your love sector from August 1st has got to be sweet for Pisces romance. It’s not so much you having to put on the moves to make it happen, more being receptive to someone passionate seducing lovely you. Maybe attracting someone hot on the dating scene if single, or special attention from your partner/lover because they remember to let you know how much they adore you.

It’s beautifully effortless mating action, especially Venus opposite your enchanting ruler, Neptune around the 10th has you even more spunky & irresistible than usual -nice one.

Meanwhile the New Moon of the 8th in your practical 6th house grounds you in the basics of healthy wellbeing and a sustainable work ethic. It’s sometimes the simple actions every day, to walk our talk in the world with steady integrity & self-care, that manifest our dreams more effectively than forcing the issue with grand gestures or impatient progress, know what I mean? Especially trine the healer Chiron in your income sector, its gentle progress doing something really meaningful with your time, and earn a living based on your core values that is most financially & emotionally rewarding right now.

Then the Full Moon of the 22nd conjunct Jupiter in your soul sector, a most positive, dynamic connection between your inner wisdom & how you live your life. This is deeply intelligent quality control about daily habits, domestic /family dynamics and subtle romantic cues with your current lover. Yes you can trust your instincts here, they are on point!

Image: Jerry Hall


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