Look, to be honest the last month has been such a bitch, in general terms I was up for a laugh-and this meme tickled my funny bone. I mean the different kinds of exasperation of both butterfly's body language is hilarious!
...As we try to keep it sweet with our loved ones, amongst the pressure and drama of the world around us right now. Sometimes couples & lovers bond more, under external pressure (yay), and sometimes we take our bitchy stress out on our loved ones (only human, I guess).
I wanted to share it, for fun, and a perfect excuse to talk about the Venus/Mars love action right now:
Venus and Mars are conjunct, travelling together in Aquarius from early February till mid March. And along the way they were activated by sexy, explosive Pluto early Feb.
Whenever the astro lovers, Venus & Mars hook up, so are we more likely to be magnetically attracted to the lovers, that Destiny decrees we are supposed to connect with. And super rare for them to perfect their conjunction also exactly conjunct sexy, limbic, transformative Pluto. OMG did the devoted love, brewing dramas, power trips and scary new attractions get real, or what??
Looking back, how did we handle peak volatility, vulnerability and peak passion-that we are still working through?
Existing relationships with our partner, lover or crush are revealing so much truth. Sketchy connections tend to fall apart, under the ruthless reality check of Pluto. Just as much as real, deeply committed true love thrives-because you're meant to be together and both mean it. And if single/dating/on the prowl, new attractions, that feel so meant to be-to rock each other's world in scary & exciting ways, more likely to turn up.
So we have another week, to take advantage of this romantic vibe... Let's love large and brave, if we are lucky enough to have someone special still by our side by now, to move forward together. Or if the drama has revealed any toxic entanglements that need to go-move forward with an open, brave heart to the next romantic adventure?
Happy Venus/Mars love action folks xxx And if all else fails, lets laugh at our own and each other's romantic frailties-we are only human, after alll xxx