The Libra New Moon is here, exact 4.47am October 3rd, AEST.
New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective. And in Libra our best clarity is to do with love, romance, intelligent relational dynamics and exalted creativity, to make the world a more beautiful & harmonious place, for us all to enjoy together. And this one is especially powerful, being a Solar Eclipse:
This Eclipse conjunct South Node, Mercury & exactly conjunct Bitch Lilith in Libra. And opposite Destiny Point & healer Chiron, in Aries. We are so self assured about our innate talent, wisdom and emotional instincts. We are not fuqing around, when it comes to expressing our truth in the world and showing off our gorgeous charisma!
Maybe we have some brilliant creative project going on, inspired to finesse & work towards next level success? Maybe polishing our professional brand, accordingly? Maybe getting our social butterfly mode on, to network and align with the tribe, who appreciate our genius and we can contribute to meaningful collective growth?
And being fiercely authentic with our loved ones. Ok maybe to hold our own, about our particular point of view if any debates arise-ideally we keep it emotionally & intellectually stimulating? And even better the sweet Libran charm & diplomacy, to keep it real in order to connect more deeply, with the people we care about. I mean sometimes fierce authenticity is the courage & emotional intelligence to be a bit vulnerable-as we reveal our true selves to one another, right?
Especially Venus being sexy in Scorpio, trine Mars being unusually emotional in Cancer-for an unusually long time, until April. Such a passionate, limbic, volatile, exquisitely vulnerable combo, to reveal our capacity for truly honest, scary true love! This goes for all of our connections, and especially romance & hot seduction moments, to inflame our desires...
So let's love the lives we are creating for ourselves right now, with incandescent self belief. And love one another with next level courage, to keep it sweet. Happy Libra Solar Eclipse, folks x
And much more detail for your sign, with the October horoscopes here.
Image: Yana Saint LeVie