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Libra New Moon, exact 5.30am Oct 17th AEDT to bring us in to line.

As in New Moons are always a fresh emotional perspective, and in Libra it's usually how to balance our various feelings about everything into some kind harmonious smooth, functional equanimity. We're into people pleasing & suave diplomacy, because it's easier to get along with others & win/win scenarios if we want to get stuff done, rather than distracted by pointless tantrums or conflict that basically gets us nowhere right?

Which is tricky, with this Moon directly triggering the volatile astro of Mars retro in Aries square Pluto/Saturn in ambitious Capricorn, revealing our most tetchy frustrations with the world right now. I mean we want what we want with fierce lust for life, & our empowered determination to make it happen is rising up for sure- but also Mars retrograde means it's not about instant gratification quite yet dammit.

So yeah thwarted desires/ambitions are really getting our goat right now, and it's tempting to flip out in reactive mode -which we need to chill out & avoid destructo reactions/fuqing things up/giving up just on the brink of success -it's character building! Because the momentum is about to pick up, with Mars direct & lucky Jupiter/Pluto positive progress from mid November & we want to keep our focus clear until then...

Meanwhile let's enjoy the sweet romance, creative flow, appreciation of beauty, harmony & stylish living that comes with lovely Libra Moon x


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