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So the New Moon of Nov 1st is in your 2nd house, of personal values & prosperity. A fresh, empowering perspective to begin the month about Libra manifesting magic, on  your own terms.

Especially Mercury also in your 2nd, trine Mars in your brilliant career sector. Clever financial strategies work a treat here, to monetise whatever professional momentum you are most confident about, right now.


Then Mercury immediately joins your ruler Venus in your 3rd house, trine Mars into your 11th by Nov 5th. Also trine Destiny Point in your natural habitat, the 7th house of love & relationships:

Suddenly, your naturally suave communication skills are next level brilliant! The social butterfly thing you do becomes even more charismatic. Great for the confidence to charge around showing off, and even better find the scene you can relate to, hanging out with cool people who energise your clever, creative ideas. Also great for beautiful, emotionally intelligent conversations with your loved ones. I mean certain, meaningful love affairs could totally benefit here-to clarify the romantic future you both desire?

As quite the charmer, you adore this chance to finesse your connections harmoniously, right? It’s your natural thing!


Cue your ruler Venus into your 4th/domestic sector from Nov 12th. Joining Pluto, in the last degree of the 4th so we have to talk about that:

Pluto in your 4th house of home & family dynamics, for the last 15 years has been quite a trip. So many deep, complex family dynamics have revealed themselves in all their glory! You have presumably cleared the air, and sorted out any gnarly power trips as much as possible. And especially with caring Ceres involved since Feb, the quality of compassion has been so lovely, to ameliorate any tensions. And bond with the loving tribe you still have around you. Presumably you’ve all earned it, having been through the wringer together, to realise how deeply devoted you are to one another, right?

Perfect timing for Venus in your 4th, mid month as Pluto completes his transit of your 4th. Some lovely vibes about domestic harmony, and maybe some sweet, shacked up romance going on?


Then let’s talk about Pluto. I mean what with dealing with domestic issues, as Pluto lurking on the cusp of your 5th for the last several months you’ve been like-I can feel I’m about to bust loose and have some fun-but when does it happen already??


So the fabulous news, this month is Pluto finally into your 5th house-for the next 20 years. This is insanely brilliant!

Because the 5th is all about your innate creative talent, that means so much to as such a stylish, arty creature-that you are about to unleash in upon the world. And permission to play-with whatever life affirming fun turns you on! As such a pleasure loving lush, you love this reminder that life can be sweet. Yes, including flirty romance & good times with your special people, that you adore.

Your classy vibes like to enjoy the nice aspects of being alive, it’s not just supposed to be a dreary series of responsibilities, after all.

So lucky Libra is the sign most likely to love Pluto switching signs this month! A whole new chapter coming up, to be the creatrix who transforms your life with confident manifesting powers, and the season to have a good time as you go x


And speaking of manifesting genius, Pluto into your 5th is just in time for Saturn direct, in your practical 6th house:

You are also suddenly turned on by a fierce, disciplined health & work ethic. You get that keeping it real, with intelligent daily habits to clean up your act feels good.


I mean with Saturn quintile Bitch Lilith in Libra here, you have a complicated relationship with authority. If any control freak on the job tells you what to do, or bourgeois expectations cramping your lifestyle choices? You are reflexively rebellious -you’re doing it your way and anyone who doesn’t appreciate your personal style can fuq off. On the other hand you’re not stupid-and if your diplomatic genus can strategically persuade certain people, to support what you’re on about professionally, you’re going to work this to your advantage, right?

And the ultimate authority is your own, internal locus of power. Self discipline is your new superpower, time to motivate yourself to be the best version of what you are capable of-if not now, when?


Meanwhile the Full Moon of Nov 16th, in your 8th house of personal entanglements, conjunct Uranus. You are so restless to do your own thing, which is fab. But also watch out for sabotaging any meaningful commitments, just because you’re tetchy as fuq? Because this Moon could reveal certain loved ones who adore your radical attitude-ready to evolve together at warp speed! You want to be open to the exciting journey with these people, right?

Image: unable to find original credit for this gorgeous picture.


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