So the big news this month is Saturn direct,. And the great news for Libra, is in your practical 6th house. As such a disciplinarian planet, Saturn adores being in your 6th house of clean lifestyle habits for healthy wellbeing, persistent work ethic and generally getting your act together:
I mean ok, I know you’ve been doing your best for a while now. Saturn into your 6th last March was motivating-to bring your considerable creative talent to the day job, the better to thrive professionally. And the work/life balance, to work towards the sweet, dolce vita living that Neptune also in your 6th craves. Then just when you thought the satisfaction of professional progress was on, to support your lush lifestyle?
Dammit, Saturn lurking retrograde from late June…The last 4 months may have thrown up certain obstacles to cramp your style, when least expected. Frustrating much? Yes but do admit, it’s been a constructive reality check:
Maybe dealing with health issues-has been worth it, to slow down and finesse optimum wellbeing. Your physical intelligence has been so on point, to listen to what your body needs and look after yourself. Maybe dealing with control freaks, or delayed progress at work. Necessity is the mother of invention as they say-as you’ve have had to patiently work out more effective strategies, to work towards your goals. So a bit of discipline has gone a long way-to cultivate the right daily habits to feel as in control of your own destiny as possible.
Which is why Saturn direct feels so good this month. You are fully prepared with a healthy, wealthy & wise attitude, as the momentum picks up-to maximise Saturn productivity for the next few years. A well-earned sense of being back on track, to slowly but very surely realise your full potential.
And with Saturn direct opposite Lilith in your soul sector, your practical goals are driven by a deeper sense of spiritual purpose. You are not so much compromising your core values to get ahead in the world. More the manifesting magic, of being so ferociously aligned with your visionary, inner truth-you can’t avoid right action in the world. True success feels like being true to yourself!
Especially with your ruler Venus, in Libra from Nov 9th. Your annual season to radiate your famous gorgeous good looks, charisma, romantic allure and creative talent.
Extra-specially Venus quintile Saturn, as she enters Libra. It feels so natural to get real serious about manifesting in material terms. The kind of brilliant hustle, with a bit of elbow grease, a bit of perfect timing and effortless charm-that nobody knows the the fuq you do it.. suddenly feels so possible.
Just in time for the New Moon of Nov 13th, in your 2nd house of personal prosperity. Conjunct Mars and Ceres. The 2nd is where you align with the security of your values and personal integrity, as well as the security of financial wealth. So Mars/Ceres help to cultivate genuinely healthy prosperity, to feel emotionally and materially solid.
And ok, the independence to tell any control freaks where to get off, lol. It feels good being master/mistress of your own destiny, sovereign being right?
Especially by the Full Moon of Nov 27th in your expansive 9th house, personal freedom is the ultimate turn on!
I mean obviously, as such a romantic sign you’re also thinking about love. And let’s be honest with Venus in your sign, you’re pretty irresistible. And Mars opposite Uranus in your 8th house for smoking hot, sparky sexual chemistry. And Venus in Libra opposite the healer Chiron & Destiny Point on your love sector. Whether dating, mating, seducing, committing or gently nurturing -sweet romance is totally a thing.
Image: Jessica Stam by Sølve Sundsbø