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So the month begins with your ruler Venus, joining healer Chiron in your natural habitat-the 7th house of love and partnership. So of course you’re feeling pretty good, about your sweet relationship skills ameliorating any issues and lovely connection with your loves ones this month…

Then drat-Venus retrograde from March 3rd, commencing 6 weeks retro, and not back into your 7th house until May. Also Mercury direct joins Venus as she turns retro, and as they conjunct mid March Mercury also turns retrograde-as they both backtrack out of your 7th for the rest of the month. Dammit, frustrating much?


Well I guess the positive approach is, a chance to be really emotionally intelligent about the timely conversations rising up with certain, special people. There is plenty of desire, on both sides, to understand one another better.

Maybe any tricky communication with your lover, actually reveals new points of mutual fascination, to keep the connection compelling? Maybe a promising new flirtation suddenly stalls or vibes weird -only to inflame the mutual fascination, and you just know you will give this one a little longer to play out? Of course beyond romance, the same goes for all of your relational dynamics-weirdly stalled, but with empathy & patience, spookily promising!

Because all this is preparation, for the really big astro this month-Neptune into your 7th house from March 31st, commencing a 13 year transit in your love sector! Get ready for things to get weird…Neptune is slippery, spooky & divinely inspired as fuq. You are about to experience all the highs & lows, of Libra loving:

So any loose fuqwits around you with slithery, deceptive intentions more likely to turn up, as does any tendency you have to batshit crazy, delusional crushes or people pleasing, to the point of losing yourself? So you’re going to have to figure that out.

Also all the beautiful people, who activate your beautiful heart chakra with genuine, unconditional love are totally showing up -in all areas of life. And in terms of romantic action? If partnered with Mr/Mrs Right, you get to dial up the frequency to exquisite, soulmate devotion. Or if dating/on the prowl for love is strangely promising. So as much as you could be attracting all the nebulous, confusing scenarios -amongst it all is spooky synchronicity to meet divinely appointed lovers, ready to inspire your romantic ideals. Maybe even an actual soulmate, you can make it work with?


And the New Moon, Solar Eclipse of March 29th in your 7th house is a powerful clue about this. Just as Mercury & Venus retro cross paths with Neptune, as he begins this transit of your 7th from the end of the month. Ok great, the scene is set to begin a 13 year process, of refining your famous, genius relational instincts.


Also Venus & Mercury are backtracking into your 6th house at the end of the month, so we need to talk about that:

Because meanwhile, March begins with a spectacular stellium of Ceres, Saturn, Mercury, Destiny Point & Neptune in your practical 6th house. All about the discipline of healthy daily habits, holistic wellbeing & effective work ethic, to manifest all the creative ideas you are so into. Basically, it’s time to get your act together!


I mean for context, as this is such a Neptunian themed month-you are reflecting on Neptune in your 6th, for the last 13 years. This has been quite a trip:

Maybe wrangling any louche lifestyle tendencies, that ok, might have been fun-but eventually realising that excess indulgence is ultimately self sabotage? Maybe wrangling incredibly inspired creative ideals, you’ve been valiantly trying to manifest in terms of professional success? I mean most likely a combination of both, dealing with slippery work/lifestyle boundaries-you’ve been learning how to finesse? Also if health issues  have been a thing-on a journey of holistic self care, that has actually revealed profound insights, about spiritual, emotional & physical  wellbeing.

So especially since Saturn turning up in your 6th, since 2023 you’ve been increasingly holding yourself accountable-with the discipline to walk your talk about this. Then even better is healthy, nurturing Ceres, cruising into your 6th as March begins-joining all the action going on here. Suddenly feels so easy, to cultivate proper self care. Bless, you deserve to feel comfortable in your healthy skin by now.

And the satisfaction of being a clean, mean, success machine in the world-if Neptune in the last degree of your 6th, has profound professional goals, coming to fruition? As I said, you are so getting your act together right now, and it feels good!

Image: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley by Von Rankin


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