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Bitch Lilith lurking in the last few degrees of your soul sector all month-preparing to reveal your spunky charisma in Libra, from June 30th. 

So June kinda feels like lowkey charging your batteries, behind the scenes. Tuning into your inner sense of self-determination, about being true to whatever unique, powerful, dark horse qualities within yourself you’ve been coming to terms wth lately….

Meanwhile the month begins with Mars/Chiron conjunct, in your love sector. So also totally switched on to whatever passions, and emotional vulnerability are revealing themselves in your key relationships. Your natural intelligence about harmoniously relating to loved ones, whilst being fully true to yourself is all over this, of course. 

Then Mercury into your expansive 9th house, conjunct Jupiter from June 4th, brings your attention the bigger, visionary hopes & dreams you are excited about right now.

Cue the New Moon of June 6th, also in your 9th house, exactly conjunct your ruler Venus. This is brilliant!

To bring your innate, creative intelligence, for a fresh perspective on how to pursue your most positive intentions in the world. Maybe you want to broaden your mind, with intellectual enquiry and educational/academic pursuits? Maybe you want to travel? Or at least get out of your comfort zone to hang out in a new social scene, or more mentally & creatively stimulating conversations, with the people around you? 

I mean even if you just feel restless & hungry for change generally, without necessarily knowing what to do about it here? That’s ok. It’s enough to have an open mind, to exploring new horizons this month-new opportunities are way more likely to present themselves, the more you have a positive, enthusiastic attitude about personal growth. Know what I mean? 

Then Mars into your 8th house, from June 9th. To pull your attention back, big time to the interpersonal passions, power trips & sexy dramas going on in your personal life. Ideally energised to love like you mean it, with the affirmative connections/lovers, who reciprocate your gorgeous desire? Or if any fuqers are tying to control you-you totally keep your elegant boundaries firm, right?

Of course with Chiron in your love sector, you get the emotional complexities of it all. Some relationships thrive, with empathy to deal with one another’s vulnerability/ tantrums, with hot blooded confidence to try to understand and love one another anyway? Or the courage to let go of whatever toxic connection has run it’s course-and embrace the healing process as you move on? 

Especially by the Full Moon of June 22nd, joining caring Ceres in your home/family sector. And trine Mars in your 8th:

Perfect for your nurturing instincts to prevail, as you bond with your immediate tribe. Or ameliorate any tensions going on, to create a healthy, harmonious home to enjoy together? 

Also this Moon opposite Sun, Venus & Mercury in your brilliant career sector. So a good foundation in your personal life, is a great place from which to go forth and thrive in the world. With your most intelligent instincts, about showing off your creative genius, professionally. 

So good to get the work/life balance right, to be loving at home and radiant in the world. 

Image: the amazing Paolo Roversi


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