Given that your sparkling wit, conversational brilliance and persuasive, flirty charm is such a natural superpower of yours? You are so turned on by your ruler Venus, into your 3rd house of communication skills, joining Mercury direct from Jan 1st. Especially with caring Ceres & confident, assertive Mars involved. Way to begin the year on point!
The proverbial iron fist in the velvet glove vibe, you are famous for is on.
Your radiant intelligence shines through; as you ameliorate any recent misunderstandings, nurture your loved ones by actually listening, and caring about what they have to say, intoxicate your lover/crush with sweet, seductive verbal cues…and lowkey get your own way the whole time. I’m just saying as the supreme diplomat, you know the right kind of honey with which to work the conversation, know what I mean?
Also the 3rd house is about your mental process, playing around with stimulating ideas that turn you on. If Mercury retro has had you grappling with your belief system lately, with Mars tempting you to be a know it all, but you’ve chosen the discipline to interrogate yourself instead-instead of mouthing off half-assed notions? Well done you! The New Year brings sudden clarity, to express yourself with the courage of your freshly revised convictions.
The better to articulate & show off any creative genius, you’ve been madly finessing the details about lately.
Which brings me to the big astro news this month, Pluto into your 5th house of talent, creative play and shameless self promotion from Jan 21st. I mean Pluto dithering around the cusp of your 5th for the last several months has been a tease about this, so you’re ready for slow motion momentum, as Pluto gets ready to get serious in your 5th from September -for the next 20 years!
Pluto is all about awakening your lust for life:
Stripping away any fears about how to express yourself, with transformative self-assurance as you rise up singing with your powerful creative talent on full display. And how much you love to play with the sweet, simple pleasures in life.
Cue the Full Moon of Jan 26th, in your social sector, opposite Sun/Pluto in your 5th. As such a social butterfly, a chance to get amongst it on the scene, having a good time with your crew just for fun. And if your charisma attracts hot, flirty romance, or networking opportunities to empower creative projects-you can’t help how desirable you are, right?
I mean also, Saturn newly direct in your practical 6th house keeps it real. Any louche, indulgent little lifestyle tendencies, with Neptune in your 6th are about to get blown out of the water. 2024 is all about cleaning up your act. A solid health regime & work ethic are your best look right now.
Pluto, revealing your most radiant self-expression thoroughly approves!
Meanwhile, lets dial back to Pluto completing 15 years in your 4th house of home & family early Jan. Which makes the New Moon of Jan 11th, in your 4th house conjunct Pluto, with Mars involved particularly relevant.
You get to reflect on how far you’ve come, figuring out the harmonious balance of power you do so well, to do with domestic dynamics. Asserting your point of view, with elegant diplomacy and pulling together as a tribe, to empower everyone involved-you’re onto it.
Especially Mars & New Moon in your 4th, exactly trine Jupiter & Uranus, turning direct in your 8th house of personal entanglements. It’s so liberating to give one another enough emotional oxygen to thrive, with the power of loving, mutual respect.
Image: Paolo Roversi