Jan 1st has your ruler Venus conjunct Pluto, with Mercury retro; revealing how far you’ve come with Pluto in your 4th house of home/personal life for the last several years.
Well done, for having the courage to dig deep into family dynamics & consciously transform your own role within the tribe. Or uprooting yourself from an old location might have been an odyssey; to find a place to feel you can grow & thrive anew?
So Jan 1st could reveal certain tricky familial dialogues you have a handle on, or creative solutions to a domestic situation; to feel that much more connected to where/with whom/how you live your best personal life?
Good, because Pluto slowly pulling out of your 4th house from this March, is the realisation you’ve done the best you can cleaning up your act at home. Ready to phoenix into powerful new level of creative expression, with Pluto fully transforming your 5th house of talent & fun sector from Feb 2024 -for the next 20 years!
Oh my goodness, as such an innately arty, articulate, delightfully aesthetically/pleasure driven creature; you are so looking forward to unleashing your unique talent, showing off your brilliance and charming the pants of everyone… it’s your natural thing.
And Venus swanning into your 5th house Jan 3rd is a nice teaser, to begin the month inspired by whatever creative or romantic fun turns you on.
Then Venus trine Mars retro in your expansive 9th house Jan 10th. To play with some promising life plan, nearly ready to be embraced or flirt the hell out of some promising attraction, nearly ready to be pounced upon? Because Mars direct from Jan 13th is green light to pursue big dreams-you’re so ready to get on with it!
Especially by the New Moon of Jan 22nd, in your 5th house with Venus conjunct Saturn. By late Jan you have a crystal clear perspective on your creative & romantic desires; with the discipline required to be in the moment, and enjoy each moment that feels good, in full integrity.
A precursor for Saturn in your 6th house of productive work ethic from March; where the same kind of discipline will magically manifest healthy habits & solid professional decisions, to thrive for the next few years. Gold.
Meanwhile Ceres in your sign opposite Jupiter in your love sector this month. You have such a genuine capacity to nurture your loved ones, with those sweet relationship skills of yours. And more likely to have a positive, inspiring lover, to fully appreciate your gorgeousness. Which you fully deserve, of course.
I mean with Uranus/Destiny Point conjunct in your 8th house of sex/intimacy & personal/financial entanglements this month. You can be quite the wild card, to surprise the special people in your life, with how open minded you can be to a radically fresh, liberating new way of relating to one another. I bet they love the chance to get to know your wild side??
Or if you happen to be stuck in old paradigms of how relationships ‘should’ be done, or worse stuck on some ancient resentment etc that’s been holding you back? Get ready for some game changing lover or family/confidante to rock your world; with a new perspective or even new relationship, to look towards the future with fresh eyes??
Image: Lady Justice by Zaffyrr on deviantart.