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Mars in your vision/adventure sector for ages this year would normally be firing up your travel wanderlust, but I guess depending where you are in the world it might not be an option to go charging off to exotic locales what with lockdown etc huh?

So in the absence of actual physical travel, you could be broadening your horizons with a study bender or brewing cool, expansive new life plans to excite your expansive, confident future Leonine potential…

Especially with Uranus in your biz sector you aint scared of wild, game-changing new professional opportunities right? In fact you’re quite turned on by being thrust into unknown scenarios just outside your comfort zone -the better to come terms with your full potential in the transformative crucible of change. Which is just as well in these weird economic times as the world evolves at warp speed; you might be the sign most adaptable under the circumstances & know how to work it to your brilliant advantage.

Because also the fabulousness that is Jupiter direct in your work sector, about to awaken lucrative Pluto & pragmatic Saturn to really thrive professionally for the rest of the year! And square Mars for extra, resilient determination to keep your ambitious intentions real no matter what challenges are going on.

And with Mars retro this month there may be delays & obstacles galore, but you get that’s just part of the process. The rules are that trying to force anything just for the sake of ego right now is bound to backfire. But on the other hand quietly finessing the plan & adapting to circumstance with humility could set you up beautifully; for when Mars gets moving from mid Nov and you rise up singing, with more effective, exuberant confidence to chase your dreams for the rest of the year.

Meanwhile love is kind of low-key, easy romance astro this month, which is nice. With nurturing Ceres in your partnership sector, you’re ideally gently bonding with whoever you care about & trusting the flow. I mean the New Moon of the 17th in your comms sector has a spooky Venus/Neptune opposition from your intimacy sector- all about intuitively reading one another’s moods for subtle emotional connection. But also a bit of flirty verbal repartee could work a treat, to keep the dialogue sparkly, clear & on point huh?

Image: via Alison Nappi


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