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So Jupiter, in your 10th house/brilliant career sector has been a buzz for the last year. Especially conjunct Uranus in the last month, still playing out as Venus cruises into your 10th, joining the Sun early May:

So good to fire up your natural talent, with genius new professional plans that are so radically positive! You could surprise yourself next level confidence, beyond even your usual shiny self assurance…

Cue the New Moon of May 8th, in your 10th house -in a stellium with Venus and Jupiter/Uranus. And a grand trine with Lilith in your prosperity sector and Ceres in your work/health sector. And sync Mercury exactly conjunct Chiron in your expansive 9th house. And sync Saturn/Neptune in your 8th house of financial negotiations: 

So how good is the potential of this Moon! To swan around being gorgeous and charismatic in the world, being so talented, charming, good looking and all. As you align with your most visionary dreams/expansive life plans that, crucially, you are willing to cultivate healthy daily habits and personal determination to manifest in real life. And communication skills, to hustle realistically promising biz relationships. 

Also just so you know, Saturn/Neptune in your 8th house is real emotional intelligence about any personal, emotional connections & sexy passion going on. 

Feels good to the master/mistress of your own Destiny, with a little help from your friends and loved ones, huh? 

Especially the big news this month, Jupiter into your 11th house/social sector from May 26th, until June next year. This is such a buzz:

So Venus escorting Jupiter into your 11th late May-to activate your confident swagger, charging around being charismatic on the scene, just because you’re so damn gorgeous & cool. 

I mean also if you happen to be single/dating/on the prowl, brilliant flirty wiles to attract someone equally gorgeous & like minded? Or if you have someone special in your life already, your love affair/committed partnership benefits from expansing your horizons together. Maybe making fab plans, you are both excited about? Maybe intellectually stimulating conversations to align your mutual, romantic passion with an exciting meeting of minds? 

Also, over the coming year Jupiter reveals your wider tribe, with whom you share meaningful values. To feel supported, as you embrace your most meaningful sense of purpose in the world. The genius of this transit is exploring your full potential, to thrive with the people you can relate to on a beautiful, mutually supportive level. Who also appreciate your free spirit, for the oxygen to also all grow towards your full potential on your own terms. The definition of feeling part of healthy community, and bonding with lovely friends who get what you’re on about. This feels so good! 

Meanwhile, the Full Moon of May 23rd in your favourite, 5th house of talent & play:

This is really just a chance to be your true self. Such a natural thing for you to be creatively brilliant, embrace each moment with childlike joy and the shiny confidence to show off about it. How lovely!

Also how to express all this personal authenticity, in your relationship dynamics. With this Moon in an exact T-Square with Pluto retrograde in your love/partner sector, and Sun in your social sector. Especially just in time for Jupiter & Venus in your social sector.

You are totally onto networking on the scene with maximum flamboyance: for fun, professional advantage and if single-maybe flirty moments spark up? 

Or if you’re in love/partnered already, a chance to spend quality time with your special someone. Maybe fun times, to spark up the passion? Maybe letting your guard down is a chance to reveal deeper feelings, and how to work the psycho emotional/sexual power dynamic, in more positive ways. Just saying the warm affection & loyalty you are famous for, could work a treat here x 


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