So March is an interesting paradox, between any desire rising up for personal space and the very real relationship imperatives going on, right now.
For a start you have Jupiter recently direct in your 11th house & Mars recently direct in your 12th house. Two totally different vibes, that actually encapsulate equally important aspects of the Leo experience:
Jupiter in your 11th/social sector awakens your famous reputation, as the most charismatic persona on the scene. Brilliant confidence to take centre stage at every gathering, instantly lighting up the room as you strut around in radiant, performative mode. I mean we could crack jokes about the cliché egomaniac, loudmouth Leo-but sure why not be your natural self as the most sparkly raconteur around, you’re good at it!
And to be fair you also exude such genuine, magnanimous generosity & warmth, to inspire the rest of us to feel just as good about ourselves. We love this about you!
And Mars in your 12th/soul sector activates the more subtle, innately spiritual aspect of you that not everyone understands. Leo is actually a deeply mystical sign! In the sense you desire communion with your creative muse, and looking within to shine a light on all your angels & demons-in the Jungian sense of radiant, conscious self awareness, as you seek connection with whatever divine guidance or religiosity lights your inner flame. Mars here is the courage to embrace this inner journey, which is kind of more energising than any public accolades going on, right?
Cue Venus joining healer Chiron, in your expansive 9th house as March begins. So turned on by your most visionary hopes & dreams-that allow you to embrace creative expression & personal growth, with the freedom to do your own thing in the world. Then dammit, Venus turns retrograde from March 3rd, just as Mercury turns up direct in your 9th, from the 4th. A weird moment, to keep the faith in your most exciting plans, even as momentum stalls-in order to slow the fuq down & figure out the details. Or even wrangle existential questions, about what you are even on about right now-in terms of your broader sense of purpose in the world. Frustrating much?
Especially Mercury retro from March 15th, joining Venus retro as they charge backwards towards your 8th house for the rest of the month, so we need to talk about that:
The 8th house is all about the crucial role of interpersonal entanglements, in your life. Power dynamics & empowering, vulnerable intimacy in your sexy love life, familial loyalties & biz/financial scenarios. And there is so much action going on here as March begins -with a spectacular stellium of Ceres, your ruler the Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Destiny Point & Neptune:
I mean for context, Neptune has been cruising through your 7th, partner sector and your 8th house for the last 28 years! Quite the extended season of navigating Neptunian love language. You’ve had all the slippery weirdos & fantasy crushes, as well as magical soulmate connection, unconditional devotion & sweet romance.
So as Neptune nearly completes his transit of your 8th this month, you realise how far you’ve come as a wise, discerning lover and caring for your loyal tribe. To appreciate the loves ones you still have around you by now, you can enjoy nurturing mutual support & commitment with.
The better to prepare for sexy, powerhouse Pluto now parked in your love/partner sector-for the next 20 years. Prepare to dig even deeper, for radical vulnerability & sexy passion, with the most important people in your life. You are so ready for this, right?
Meanwhile the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse of March 14th, opposite the stellium in your 8th, is in your 2nd house of personal values & autonomous prosperity. You get that the more you are grounded in emotional self care, and getting your own act together financially. The better to remain resilient, if any relational dramas playing out-your Leo pride is comfortable, in your capacity to take care of yourself no matter what. And even better, so solid & self assured in yourself, the confidence to show up for your loved ones-with your famous, magnanimous warmth & generosity.
Then the New Moon, Solar Eclipse of March 29th switches gears-in your expansive 9th house. With healer Chiron involved, you get that self care feels like permission to be restless as fuq.
Perfect timing to usher in the big news this month-Neptune into your 9th house from March 31st. This is the oxygen you are craving, for individuated Leo personal growth and chasing your wildest dreams in the world…
So as much as your visionary genius is activated, to explore new ideals or travel adventures? Neptune is kind of slippery, so the strange, magical yearnings coming up may take a while to wrestle into a clear vision for your future. Lucky you have plenty of time to figure it out-with Neptune just beginning 13 years in your 9th, it’s gonna be quite a trip!
Image: Jerry Hall