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So Mars direct in your sign early Nov was a buzz-ready to rock your gorgeous, natural charisma. And just as your radiance was warming up, Mars retro from early Dec kind of cramped your style-dammit?

I’m just saying was maybe a certain wisdom going on, to set your New Years resolutions on New Years Eve-with the New Moon in your practical 6th house, towards cultivating healthy, sustainable habits to thrive in 2025, rather than instant gratification?

The better to appreciate Mars retrograde in Leo, as January begins. Your dark horse charisma is a good look, slowly scheming & dreaming all the fabulous plans- you just know are going to come to life from April onwards, when Mars powers forward in Leo.

Meanwhile is actually sweet to know there’s no rush & no need to run around exhausting yourself, trying to force progress that you don’t feel anyway. I mean languid is a good look for you-who adores the luxury to work Leo manifesting magic, in your own sweet time.


Also Mars is reversing back into an opposition, with Pluto in your 7th, love/partner sector, that is lingering for ages:

Is all about Pluto currently getting serious in your 7th, revealing the full, transformative power of deep devotion, sexy passion & power trips in your love & relational dynamics. I mean you love to love courageously, can arc the fuq up when challenged and don’t mind a bit of drama, so you can handle this of course.

Also bear in mind this extended transit is exact Jan 3rd with Mars retro, then exact again late April with Mars direct. Obviously you are on a much better footing, to embrace this vibe with your most ferocious confidence by April-in the meantime, maybe keep your cool as best you can?

The better to chill out and cuddle up with your pride of loved ones. No need to show off just for ego/proving your worth or win hearts -everyone adores you in lowkey, affectionate  lazy Lion mode, don’t you know?

Or, if certain control freaks are on your case/brewing dramas triggering your irritable Mars retro mood-do you get all snarly and react? I’m just saying the art of war is that whoever initiates conflict during Mars retro is bound to fail spectacularly, and whoever strategically retreats will prevail, long term. Especially if feeling your bitch coming on in certain scenarios, go back and read that again! Even with the most annoying people, maybe yawn like a lazy Lion and simply ignore them-could work a treat?


Also Venus joins Saturn, in your 8th house of deep emotional entanglement & sexy passion from Jan 3rd –exactly conjunct by Jan 20th. As Destiny Point conjunct Neptune in your 8th by Jan 12th. Is actually an amazing month to be idealistic and keep it sweet, about any

healthy, promising relationship dynamics going on:

The quality of commitment is to accept one another as you truly are, for the kind of unconditional love that fully accepts each other’s human flaws and all. Yes easy for me to say-as do admit you can struggle showing up being vulnerable sans ego, when Pluto/Mars pummelling any tricky power trips. But honestly your natural emotional/romantic warmth & generosity is so good right now, for the patience to cultivate real connection with the loved ones you can trust. Even as you maintain healthy boundaries with any weirdos doing your head in, rather than getting caught up in drama. Genius-you are quite the intelligent lover, not the fighter right now!


Meanwhile Mars retro back into your spooky 12th house, from Jan 6th until late April. This is your season to find your internal locus of power, in a spiritual sense. You may find your vitality springing from within, more so than charging around seeking to control external events.

It’s got to do with the Jungian idea of self awareness, which has an affinity with mythos of Leo and your ruler, the radiant Sun. All about the hero’s journey of facing and integrating your shadow, as well as communing with your angelic guidance, in order to unlock you most authentic inner radiance. Or on a more prosaic level, taking time out from the white noise of the world, to have a good time being creative and charging your batteries-away from the spotlight you would normally prefer.

Especially the Full Moon of Jan 13th, in your 12th house conjunct Mars retro. Opposite Sun, with Mercury in your practical 6th house. The simple discipline of healthy daily habits, aligned with your spiritual principles and holistic wellbeing is so satisfying mid Jan.


Also the Sun conjunct Pluto in your 7th house for this Moon, could bring your subtle emotional intelligence to the relationship dynamics, we spoke about earlier?

To prepare for the New Moon of Jan 29th, in your 7th with caring Ceres and Mercury conjunct Pluto. Quite the powerful vibe, about intelligent communication to nurture your passionate love life and all the special people you care about. Not so much seeking drama, what with Mars hiding out in your 12th wisely avoiding conflict. More so Venus conjunct Neptune in your 8th house, embracing sweet, unconditional love as much as possible. How lovely!

Image: unable to find original credit, for this glorious picture.


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