The New Moon of Feb 1st, in your love/partner sector has your focus firmly on the Leo love life as the month begins.
And not just in a fluffy romantic way; with Saturn involved more a mature, realistic appraisal of relationship dynamics, the quality of commitment with healthy personal boundaries kind of thing.
And if this doesn’t sound particularly exciting, you also have lucky Jupiter getting excited about genuine passion in your sex/intimacy sector-yay. but Jupiter also needs lots of personal space/respecting one another’s autonomy & meaningful shared values, for optimum chemistry.
So ideally Saturn/Jupiter work well together; to build a solid, emotionally intelligent basis for a promising relationship with room to grow, with whoever your special someone is right now, know what I mean?
Or even if a certain thwarted connection, ex or unavailable crush aint happening now, you still get to be excited about the freedom this gives you-to do your own thing AND to be open to the next big love opportunity as you go…
Because I tell you what, when Venus & Mars swan into your love sector, in a tight love conjunction by early March the REAL romance is on, stay tuned…
Meanwhile you have other priorities; with Venus in your 6th house of lifestyle/work/wellbeing imperatives from Nov till March-you are so inspired to get your act together. So Mars conjunct Venus this month, for the raw energy & motivation to follow through is perfect! You are fully onto how important regular, disciplined daily habits are to create the dolce vita lifestyle you desire:
Maybe realising how in-demand you could be professionally, the more you bring your gorgeous, innate talent to the day job & perform at optimal, stunning levels of accomplishment -do admit this level of showing off your brilliance is your natural thing! Which also could be quite lucrative if you play your cards right, with lucky Jupiter in your biz/financial negotiations sector.
And realising how much high-quality self-care matters. Venus is lush, regenerative indulgence like massage/healing/nutritious, yummy food/beauty treatments to make you feel shiny. And Mars is a fierce, sweaty workout regime/clean diet to shine with empowered vitality. What a great combination, especially the Leo Full Moon of Feb 17th with Mars/Venus exact; to shine like you mean it…
And Mercury/Pluto conjunct to get that it’s all about clear intentions right now, your positive or negative thoughts manifest with alarming accuracy! Best keep it positive & high frequency, obviously.
Wow -living healthy, wealthy & wise has never felt so sexy, right?
Image: Verushka