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LEO HOROSCOPE for december 2023


Let’s talk about the Leo love life. Your 8th house, of sexy seduction, deep emotional intimacy & interdependent entanglements is totally activated right now:

Saturn & Neptune retro, in your 8th since June may have required your best patience, to allow any fluxy relating scenarios to remain unresolved, and be ok about that. Even if tensions arose, you were hopefully as zen as possible about it?

So Saturn direct, since November felt so good. To get a solid handle on the meaning of commitment, with people you care about. Maybe deeper devotion, that feels realistically sustainable reveals itself? Maybe you get healthy boundaries, with any control freaks-and that feels good too.

The better to be ready for the big news this month, Neptune direct from Dec 6th in your 8th house. I mean the love vibes of Neptune are more beautiful, and more slippery than Saturn’s clear relational parameters.

A heightened awareness of the soulmate, destinal aspect of your entanglements-which actually Saturn helps to see the karmic patterns playing out:

Maybe you recognise a soul connection as a catalyst for growth, regardless of long term potential. Perhaps easy to flow with-or even if batshit crazy you get the lesson, right? Maybe you are blissed out by true, soulmate love with someone special you are truly meant to be with. The better to trust the unconditional devotion you share.

Of course sometimes can be tricky to tell the difference. So the emotional intelligence to trust your instincts and read your lover’s feelings, with exquisite subtlety is your superpower right now!

Even if single/love action aint happening? You get genius pattern recognition, to be emotionally ready for the next, spooky attraction. Also appreciate the freedom, to ride your own emotional growth without being accountable to annoying expectations.

Cue the New Moon of Dec 13th, in your 5th house:

To the degree the 5th is about playful romance-Mars/Ceres work a treat.

Mars passion brings hot seduction moments, and mama Ceres brings the nurturing attitude, to make quality time together for romantic bliss. Whether flirty moments, playing with a new crush, date night with your lover or looking after your committed partner? This New Moon keeps it sweet. Also beyond love:

This New Moon in the 5th is your favourite sector of confident, playful self expression and showing off in world like a star -your natural thing, of course. Especially Mars conjunct Ceres:

Mars brings the moxy to back your brilliant talent, with sheer self belief and bitchingly effective work ethic. Especially Pluto in your work sector and Jupiter retro in your brilliant career sector. Willing to interrogate your professional desires, with an empowering attitude, to keep phoenixing toward your full potential.

Ceres, sync Mercury turning retro in your work sector. The patience, to deal with delays/tech glitches etc on the day job. You get that taking the time to embrace the creative process is your sweet spot, right now. Playful creativity, doing whatever you enjoy- just for fun. Having a good time is so life affirming. Or working your ass off, for next level professional accomplishment? Yes you’re so onto it! Also better take the time, to finesse the tricky details, than charge forward blindly just for the sake of momentum-know what I mean?

Especially the Full Moon of Dec 27th, in your spooky 12th house. Tuning into your spiritual & creative instincts, about whatever meaningful sense of purpose rocks your boat. Permission to bliss out, communing with your muse, sans pressured expectations. How lovely.

Image: Blondie


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