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Venus/Mercury conjunct early Dec, with the Sun in your home turf, the 5th house of talent, personal confidence & creative self expression is a fab way to begin the month.

You love the simple buzz of embracing the creative process, to work your natural with intelligent finesse, and get even better at what you love to do. And spend quality time with the people you adore, to enjoy the simple pleasures of life together.

Which is helpful for the Full Moon of Dec 8th, exactly conjunct Mars in your social sector. You don’t even care if Mars retrograde for ages is cramping your networking style, it gives you time to figure out your niche in the world:

As you observe, with equanimity, certain alliances or ego trips on the scene drop away, if they no longer energise you. The better to be beautifully patient, aligning yourself with the crew who actually appreciate your social values, with whom you can explore your full potential, being meaningfully involved with the cultural zeitgeist long term. And certain, special friends who remain steadfastly loyal, even when you are temporarily unsure of yourself and fully celebrate you when you thrive are gold; and really reveal their unconditional support here.

So beyond your wonderful, carefully selected tribe; could give a fuq what the general public thinks this month, right? Because you are so onto shining bright in the world, as you do so well…

Also Venus in your 5th house for this Moon is more interested in playful romance; if you are lucky enough to have someone lovely to spend time with, or flirting up a new attraction to turn you on? Much more fun than charging around showing off, just for the sake of attention from the masses, know what I mean?

And your natural self-assurance is great, with Venus in your 5th house square Ceres in your 2nd house of personal values for this Moon. The more you cultivate your natural talent, in a creatively satisfying way, the more you grow a healthy income doing stuff you genuinely love. Nice!

Especially by the New Moon of Dec 23rd, in your 6th house of healthy, wealthy wellbeing -with a brilliant Venus/Mercury/Pluto conjunction.

And Ceres nurturing healthy ideas & strategies opposite positive Jupiter, finally charging forward in your visionary big-picture, adventure sector:

All about being driven by your wildest dreams, but not being loose or hare-brained about it. Its all about the mental discipline to focus clear, intentional plans that are real & grounded enough to make you feel genuinely productive. The better to bring your best game to clever day-job/biz strategies, that empower your broader vocational ambition.

Especially radical Uranus conjunct the Destiny Point in your brilliant career sector, all month. Your optimum stance in the world, if you are honest about your goals, is actually quite game changing, as a voice of innovative change in the world. And Destiny conspires to open the perfect opportunities with perfect timing; the more you have the integrity of crystal clear courage of your convictions, even if you’re not sure how your ‘crazy’ genius will be received. Know what I mean?

Meanwhile disciplinarian Saturn, in your love sector is a bitch? Well it certainly requires you to get real clear about the quality of commitment with your current partner. Or take the time to assess some new entanglement-if it’s going to work maybe a slow burner, to take the time to figure out how it works? Or healthy boundaries; if someone is unavailable OR overly controlling, and you don’t want to be waiting around without them proving their worth, right?

Image: unable to find original credit for this beautiful picture.

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